This blog contains personal reflections on Sahaja Life by practitioners of the Sahaja technique. Sahaja is the path of enlightened knowledge, as opposed to other forms of yoga and meditation, which profess singular paths like devotion-only (bhakti path). Growth in Sahja happens by experiential knowldge acquisition.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Star Trek: Posession
Star Trek: The Original Series / Operation Annihilate
I will let you watch the episode and conclude how close the writers come to the "cure" for posessions in this story. Its fun to watch how Spock shows his failing resistence to the parasite posession with twitches. Credits to writer
Monday, May 11, 2009
Self Realization better than "Happiness Surgery"?
Here is a small animation to help you place the nerve within us:
Searching for more information, there seemed to be two main applications in the medical field (a) An FDA approved Treatment for depression when "all else has failed" and (b) Treatment for overeating. The common theme here is satisfaction and contentment, rather than happiness and sadness, IMHO.
For the depression application, long story short, this is an FDA approved treatment option, applied usually when most treatments have not worked (Mayo Clinic). The 'aha-moment' for me came when I saw the info-graphic showing how this is achieved - through a pace-maker. The location of the pace-maker in the graphic made it even simpler to understand:
Vagus nerve stimulation at Mayo Clinic
In Sahaja Yoga, the method to achieve balance, harmony and joy is based on awakening the spirit, "self-realization". Sahaja means born within. Born with us is the heart with the spirit within. In it's awakened state the spirit would keep us in joy, which is the characteristic. However there is a disconnect, caused by imbalance which stops the pulsations of the heart from acting on our central nervous system and transferring the joy of living. This blanket of darkness, called ego, when exceeds it's boundries, envelopes the heart and literally becomes the kill-joy.
Sahaja Yoga explicitly connects oneself with one's spirit, bringing the qualities and contributions of the human spirit onto the central nervous system. Before implaning a battery driven vagus-stimulating pacemaker, I would highly recommend trying the option of self-realization - awakening the spirit to reconnect and send those "happy pulses" from the heart to the vagus nerve and eventually the brain.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and I do not play one on this blog!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
ABC Tropical Queensland Interviews Vinola Bandi on Sahaja Yoga
Integrating with the Kundalini
Mar 31, 2009alternate listening link (in case the original web-page is not available)
(alternate audio, if the one above does not work)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Welcome, My Dear Evolutis

(Listen to this blogpost as a podcast)
I saw a TED video of Enriquez, who is on track, the idea of "Homo Evolutis", however it stems from technological development and depends on bio-engineering.
The key phrase "a being that takes control of it's own evolution" is the next step for us. Agreed, however if it depends on expensive cyborg retrofits, it's restricted to a small number of people who can afford it. So the argument fails, since it is not universal.
Awakening of the opening of human chakras (energy centers) is the measure of evolution in eastern thought. With the awakening of the kundalini one is no longer dependent on forces of nature for evolution - rather one's own desire drives it through opening of new layers of their chakras. This change is universal, as witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world practicing Sahaja Yoga in every country. Cultures, countries and continents have been bridged and provided with a universal experience of accelerated self-improvement. Personality and human development can take ages, and the evolution of many births has happened in one swift action. through Sahaja.
Welcome to the new world, fellow Evolutes.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Mentoring Comes Full Circle

As college age kids, we had very weak foot holding in the realm of spirituality, easily outweighed by the skepticism of a seeking rational mind. But we were fortunate to find a mentor, not too elderly, but wise enough for us to springboard to real spirituality. He is an un-assuming personality, with his own struggles through life - but manages to maintain a cool head and a sensitive heart. We were drawn to him like younger brothers. He dispensed advice, he calmed our doubts, he answered pointed questions and offered the occasional unsolicited suggestion. He came up with simple ways to enjoy the divinity of meditation and when the night wore on, simply slept off in any given position.
Well, seven years past that wonderful mentor ship and we find ourselves at the other end of the world. He is still the wandering mystic, under the guise of an engineer and I am still the wide eyed co-journer looking up to the old soul behind his quiet persona. I was more than eager to invite him home, provide comfort and conversation. But it took months for him to convince himself to get a ride and make the 2 hour trip.
Finally, the day was here. We did the usual coaxing to lead a meditation here, a clearing session there and it was like old times. Living in the occident, we forget the depth of the orient. Young yogis in their 20s would easily surpass the depths of their counterparts when it comes to guiding the attention through the journey of charkas and into the bliss of meditation. That was it, the moment of togetherness in Sahasrara. After the meditation, he made remarks about the vibrational state of America - tremendous vibrations, easy to get into deep meditation - yet difficult to sustain that state. True dat.
Then we say our good-byes and hope that the paths intersect in the future, once more.
Photo: "The Path" (cc) by Steffe
Monday, December 22, 2008
Star Wars & Sahaja Yoga

It is a cheesy, yet endearing thing to compare pop culture with spirituality. But in the case of Star Wars it comes even closer because Goerge Lucas consulted with various eastern scholars in formulating the story and characters of the original Star Wars.
I was introduced to Star Wars quite late into my life, by my wife, of all the people. I was a trekkie, and the trekkie fire had been dwindling because it is actively atheist and Greeko-Roman in it's search for truth. Star Wars came as a breath of fresh air. It was a lot like Mahabharata, where evil burgeons into an empire and the good is sent into exile, but eventually good prevails. And there is no confusion between good and bad. The bad are ugly, black and distinct... well mostly. Here are the top 10 quotes from the Sahaja point of view, IMO. Share your favourite moments in the comments:
You underestimate the power of the Dark Side! -Darth Vader
You know, sometimes I amaze even myself. -Han Solo
Who is more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him? -Obi Wan Kenobi
Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them. -Obi Wan Kenobi
The Force is strong with this one. -Darth Vader
Oh, great warrior, hmm? War does not make one great. -Yoda
My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Its energy surrounds us. -Yoda
Your father was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed. So what I told you was true-from a certain point of view. -Obi Wan Kenobi
-- (Original compilation: Associated Content)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Incognito: New Book by Kalbermatten
(Press Release) A new book by Gregoire de Kalbermatten , "Incognito", in Czech and English, published in Prague, Czech Republic, soon!

This eternally valid quotation from Gregoire de Kalbermatten’s Legend of Dagad Trikon is to be seen on the posters in the streets of Prague, introducing two auspicious events that take place there on 6th December – public presentation of the tiny collection of Gregoire se Kalbermatten’s Aphorisms, quotations and poems, both in Czech and English, under a symbolic title „Incognito“, and the public programme with his lecture, meditation and music by the bajan group „Vítr do dlaně“ (Wind in your Hands).
The booklet is illustrated by the photos taken by sahaj photographers in Cabella, India and New Zealand and its graphic design has the souvenirlike character. We hope the content will please both intellectually and poeticly-oriented readers. The very intention to collect these fragments of wisdom was motivated by the desire to share their message with other soul mates and spread dharmic sahaj culture throughout the world. The book will be available at our Borotin stand in Cabella at Sahasrara puja.
Everybody is warmly invited to join the launch in Prague (more info at martah AT
Thank you for supporting us with your enlightened attention and for spreading the news to other sisters and brothers!
Jai Shri Mataji!!!
On behalf of the author’s team
Marta Heinlová, the translator

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sahaj vs. Mental Solutions
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Achieving Self Mastery

Religions followed the true masters, but the essence of their teachings stays within us as it is born with us (sahaja).

Toni, a yogi, recently came up with a mnemonic to remember the 10 primordial gurus, which was the inspiration behind this blog post:
R espected
A nd
M ighty
Z eus
L eads
C ourageous
S ouls and
M any
G ood
S aints
R aja Janaka
A braham
M oses
Z oraster
L ao Tse
C onfusius
S ocrates
M uhammed
G uru Nanak
S ai Baba
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Self Realization in a New York School
I briefly talked about the mothering quality of mother earth and how it nourishes us and that we also have mother earth inside of us called mother kundalini and we can feel it in the form of cool breeze. These children became very attentive. They simply placed their hands on their hearts and closed their eyes. You could imagine a class room in silence. I asked them to say quietly, "Mother kundalini, please come in my heart”.
A few minutes, as they opened their eyes, they placed their hands over their heads and you could hear them, "wow, so cool!” They all felt the cool breeze and commented that they felt "peaceful", "calm" and "calmer" inside. So was Nishad's teacher who had previously invited me to do the meditation with her class. Then, at the end of the session, they asked many interested questions about Who is "Shri Mataji”, "Could I do it at home?" "What does the colors mean on the hands and feet?" and "what are the colorful flowers (chakra) for?". The teacher even suggested that I do it for the other classes also because of the beautiful results. Yesterday, I met with the school's principal who apparently knows about kundalini and are now planning a date to give realization to the entire staff.
(names hidden to protect identity)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Windsor Enlightened
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Borotin Song
From Light Headed to Strong Hearted
Chronic fainting and me, went hand in hand. Sight or mention of blood would mysteriously induce blackouts which was a lost frontier. However, the unthinkable happened today as I went in for a blood test, anticipating the mandatory dizzy spell.
The last time it happened was about seven years ago, when I went in for a mandatory health check with my friend IP who introduced me to Sahaja Meditation. At the time we were just room-mates and landed jobs at the same company after graduation. After my test, I passed out in the waiting area. IP was back from his blood exam as I was coming around and put attention on my chakras and felt weakness and blockage in the heart chakra quite strongly.
So today, walking into the pathological clinic, the question was - how far has the heart healed? Without thinking much, I focussed on the experience: ready or not here I come.
I disclosed to the medical practitioner my fantastic ability to slide off, laid down and waited for the anxiety to set in. It triggers with the 'hosital smells' and increases to the point where the ears are ringing and I slip into blissful black. So I waited, and I waited.
Nothing happened, the heart was beating steady. The mind was still functioning. Apparently the heart chakra had healed a long time ago. Enough water had flowed under the bridge and enough love of the divine had marinated the heart chakra over the years. Many devotional divine moments, years of affirmations over the heart in meditation and brought about a transformation which was evident in the small victory today. Thank you Sahaja Yoga.
Photo: dizzy heights (CC) by by stuant63 on flickr
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fun Frolick Footsoaking Video

Kingdom Come & Gone?

(What If) The Kingdom of Heaven
Might have come and gone
What if you didn't see it come,
blinded by the siren song.
Ages and centuries,
It took to finally come
it wasn't a moment or a flash
but it stuck around quite long
When angels from heaven
made earth their second home
When the merciful God
Sent His power all alone
(What If) The Kingdom of Heavan
Might have come and gone
What if you didn't see it come,
blinded by the siren song.
There was distinct laughter,
of children and grown-ups,
There was a new smile, everlasting
Like a sun beyond the dust
There was much rejoicement,
And celebration of Truth
There was no written word,
There was no silly book
(What If) The Kingdom of Heaven
Might have come and gone
What if you didn't see it come,
blinded by the siren song.
There was an open door, And everyone came in
Tasted the bread, giving up on their sins
The door remained open, free to come and go
But now there's a shining light, beyond the closing door
Be careful of the company, you may choose to keep
Be careful of the leading voice, that tends to weep
Be aware of the boat, your feet are standing in
Don't drift too far, as you wanna be on the inside, yes within
(What If) The Kingdom of Heaven
Might have come and gone
What if you didn't see it come,
blinded by the siren song.
Now the play is almost over, the curtain callers rise
The doors of the theaters will close at some time tonight
In your happiness you want to see, that you don't exit
That lie as trap for fools and tools, on the left and right
The lights turn off,
the blind scamper, To find a solid shore
The drifters who drifted too far,
They find themselves in heaven no more.
(What If) The Kingdom of Heavan
Might have come and gone
What if you didn't see it come,
blinded by the siren song.
Knowing Your Inner Being
Sunday, November 9, 2008
How Does Sahaja Work?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Kuchipudi Dancer's Website & Blog from Brazil
Ana's Website & Blog

Do you feel sleepy while meditating?
She was describing a problem which I experienced in my first months of sahaja yoga meditation.
The problem comes from the right side being overworked. Right side, or pingala nadi, is the sun channel. It gets exhausted when we are overworked and under rested.
When the kindalini rises and finds over stressed chakras, she does not force herself. But out of concern for the meditating subject, she induces action of the left side to balance out the right. Sleep is a blessing of the left side, and a cure for many right side issues like hypertension.
At the end, our dear subject, flora, revealed she indeed suffer from high blood pressure. This confirmed the relationship between meditation, hypertension and sleeping off.
It took me about four months before I was able to meditate without dozing off... But that was seven years ago and well into the past.