Two auspicious events in sahaj world took place in Prague, Czech Republic, last year. The first was the publishing of the Czech translation of Gregoire de Kalbermatten’s book The Advent in the total amount of 2000 copies. The launching of the book was held in Luxor, the biggest bookshop in Central Europe, on 6th June. Since the very morning a big poster of Shri Mataji’s photo known as the „Healer“ placed next to the main entrance was vibrating the busy pedestrian precinct in Wenceslas square. The first delivery of the books (100 pieces) was sold out during incredibly short time before the actual beginning of the presentation and the amazed publisher’s distributors had to bring a new supply…

The event started by Gregoire de Kalbermatten’ speach translated into Czech which had a great impact on all the participants and was rewarded by a long applause. The translator of the book, Marta Heinlová, read short extract of the part about the author’s first meeting Shri Mataji accompanied by the sounds of the sitar. The „baptising“ of the book by the Borbera river water brought to this special occasion from Cabella was performed by Gregoire’s wife Cathrine and the translator of the book and the cheerful, relaxed atmosphere was tinged by Indian bajans interpreted by the Czech bajan group „Vítr do dlaně“ (Wind in your hands) which attracted many passer-by readers and made them to stop and listen to something that had never happened in this bookshop before. After having answered many questions, the author started to sing the newly launched book for many people happily waiting in the long queue. About 140 copies of The Advent were sold there that memorable afternoon, the Luxor record! And some 600 books has been sold so far to both the yogis and non-sahaj readers.

May this book be found by a lot of seekers of the Truth and enlighten their heart so that they join us on our journey to “our-Selves”! Jai Shri Mataji !!!

Incognito – and yet publicly!
Incognito means secretly, discreetly, hidden. Such is the title of the new booklet of Gregoire de Kalbermatten’s aphorisms, quotations and poems in Czech and English versions published 6th December in Prague. The collection shows the versatile personality of the author in the role of a philosopher and poet presenting more than hundred aphorisms, the selection of the quotations from his so far last novel The Legend of Dagad Trikon and 13 poems. They reflect some thoughts and perceptions consigned in his diary during his many travels. Beautiful pictures taken by the photographer from the whole world increase the vibrations emitting out of these fragments of wisdom and please the eyes and hearts of all perceptive readers. The main topic around which his lines as he expressed it “merely dance” is the necessity to achieve our self-knowledge.

To decode our inner Being which incognito travels with us through our worldly existence and achieve a complete transformation of our awareness is considered by the author the most important task for the human race and an essential condition of our surviving on this planet. The collection isn’t a translation of an already existing book but a completely new publication collected, arranged and edited in the Czech Republic by the translator with its absolute premiere in Prague. A lot of people came to participate in that blissful event when the book was presented to the public and the author had to satisfy a long queue and sign some 187 books. During the author’s reading Gregoire commented on single aphorisms and poems to clarify their meaning in a very interesting way. The three „godmothers“ of different nationalities and the very way of baptising the newborn baby-book by vibrated water sprinkled on it with the twigs of mistletoe, a magical plant of old Celtic Druids who once used to inhabit European territory, gave the ceremony a cosmopolitan character. We believe that the sign „Love that can be lost isn’t the love I seek“ placed on a photo of the Ganga river that was “flowing” on the screen above the stage together with Gregoire’s wise words will remain deep in the hearts of all who came to join in.
The book will be available in Cabella.
More info at: martah@sky.cz