In the last five years, the emphasis was given on giving realizations. It was the need of the time, to open up our Vishuddhi to announce the new age and be able to raise Kundalinis of anyone and everyone. In streets, in noisy fairs, in trains or planes. This important skill was developing in the collective unconcious. Like the ability of a new-born bird to tweet and let it's presence known. To spread the wings in the safety of the Mother's nest and just feel the wind as a breeze beneath it's wings, but not actually flying. That time is now past and we are at the edge of the foretold times when the earth would be home to walking trees that bear the fruit of life.
Gyaneshwara was the instrument through which the Sahaja path was transferred into general society. had described these times, the blossom times, as when realized souls, saints, Sahaja Yogis will roam the earth as fruit bearing trees. Unshaken by the hurricane like change on account of their roots, eager to bear and share fruits of wisdom, through the blessings of the Almighty.
The divine end of the prophesy kept itself. The advent of the primordial energy to enlighten the brains of those who ardently sought Truth, Knowledge and Joy. Thus hundreds of thousands of Buddhas were created who must now face the future, which rapidly seeps into the present. Rise to the destiny of being masters of the spirit, herald a new age of true love into the society.
Unlike incarnations who are born great, these kalpavrikshas (fruit granting trees), the Sahaja Yogis have achieved greatness through the mercy of the primordial power who incarnates as the World Mother; and the next level of consciousness quite literally thrust upon them. This reminds me of Shakespeare's line from twelfth night:
Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.