Showing posts with label evolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evolution. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Welcome, My Dear Evolutis

(Listen to this blogpost as a podcast)

I saw a TED video of Enriquez, who is on track, the idea of "Homo Evolutis", however it stems from technological development and depends on bio-engineering.

The key phrase "a being that takes control of it's own evolution" is the next step for us. Agreed, however if it depends on expensive cyborg retrofits, it's restricted to a small number of people who can afford it. So the argument fails, since it is not universal.

Awakening of the opening of human chakras (energy centers) is the measure of evolution in eastern thought. With the awakening of the kundalini one is no longer dependent on forces of nature for evolution - rather one's own desire drives it through opening of new layers of their chakras. This change is universal, as witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world practicing Sahaja Yoga in every country. Cultures, countries and continents have been bridged
and provided with a universal experience of accelerated self-improvement. Personality and human development can take ages, and the evolution of many births has happened in one swift action. through Sahaja.

Welcome to the new world, fellow Evolutes.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Udrang: The All Pervading, Living Force

There is a subtle power which is described as the all-pervading Power of God’s love, as Paramachaitanya, as Udrang, as, so many other words have been used for this power, which does all the living work. Like we see the flowers so beautiful as they are but we take them for granted. We don’t see how they have come from a little seed, how they are blossoming in these different colors. All this living work we take for granted. We have also taken our evolution for granted and everything that autonomous nervous system does we have taken for granted, it’s a good thing in a way because it’s too much of a worry and botheration if you start thinking why of everything. But there is a power, which does all these things.

-- Shri Mataji, Miami, 1990