This blog contains personal reflections on Sahaja Life by practitioners of the Sahaja technique. Sahaja is the path of enlightened knowledge, as opposed to other forms of yoga and meditation, which profess singular paths like devotion-only (bhakti path). Growth in Sahja happens by experiential knowldge acquisition.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Dushara Bhajan Night (Los Angeles - Oct 2nd, 2006)
BTW, it was the birthday of Mahatma Ghandi, the one of the most brave persons to walk this earth.
@ 16 Mins, Shri Mataji looks quite happy with "Maa Teri Jai Ho"
@ 19 Mins, Shri Mataji sings along!
@ 19:50 Shri Mataji requests "One More" (In Hindi, "Ek Aur") and is beaming...
@ 20 Mins Shri Mataji gives permission for singing Vande Mataram
Friday, November 3, 2006
History will be made in March 2007
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Diwali Puja Miracle Pics

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Morocco Mole Enlightened!
(via Bilge)
I was one of the blessed sahaja yogis on the September 2006 Morocco Tour. When I arrived in Casablanca, my first concern was how to speak in french. I had learned some french years ago, but had never been fluent, nor ever used it in the last 15 years. To recover, I had taken a month of courses before coming to Morocco, but it was almost an issue for me, that how will I be able to speak..
Well, I arrived at the Hotel de Paris, said “Bonjour” to the receptionist, to my surprise I found that I could speak and he actually understood what I was saying. At first I thought I am doing something special, but it was not, not special, it was a natural thing, and so this new ability became natural in me. I felt like a bird flying for the first time! The wings and all, everything was there, and it was happening!.. It was so nice, so nice a feeling, yes I can speak now, and it’s ok now. I enjoyed it. It felt like, you see, Shri Mataji can make you do things, and you need not be afraid whether you can do it or not. Because She is there, God is there. That was it.
In fact, throughout the nine days I was in Morocco, that was the major experience I was having all the time, everywhere, with seekers, with sahaja yogis, alone.. The presence of God was so much there.
Those of us who have had the chance to be in Shri Mataji’s house will know this, it’s like She is so much there, so much in everything. You breathe in, and Her love fills your lungs and fills your heart, and you breathe out, you dissolve into the surrounding as you have become one with that love. And you look across to another sahaja yogi and you see that they are in it too. Everything merges, and your heart is so full, you feel only the gratitude that She has let you be there, but can’t even say it, you are so full of it. Such a satisfying, such an absolutely satisfying state it is.
With that kind of a heart we went to the public programs, and we found seekers who had the same heart full of love. You can’t imagine the joy it gives, to see that in these far fetched cities of Casablanca, Marakesh and Rabat we found that that is where our hearts are opened, and that is where we found people with open hearts.
The Moroccans are amazing people. Each program at Casablanca, Marakesh and Rabat.. Words fail, but I will try to give you an idea.
The programs usually began with a few bhajans – as David at the guitar and Irene at harmonium began, the sahaja yogis were transported to a higher realm, that this is The Self Realization in the land where Allah is worshipped, like mountains, watching and witnessing, we were there to see the Divine work take place. Everyone seemed very aware, most of all the seekers, they seemed to be very aware of why they were there.
As soon as Bernadette (and Marie Martine at the final program) started speaking, the whole attention was on her. Completely. I have never seen programs like this before. They absorbed whatever was told, one could see that, the lecture, the meditation, the music, everything.
At the last program in Rabat, when Bernadette said now we will start the self-realization experience, someone among the audience asked if they can come and sit on the floor. Bernadette said, “yes, of course if there are any people who want, they can come and sit on the floor.” Instantaneously, maybe 60-70 percent of the people stood up and started coming to the stage to sit on the carpet!.. It was specatacular. Those who were sitting also came forward and sat on the front rows. Nobody wanted to miss a thing, they were there for their realization and it was clearly valuable for them.
A unique phenomenon, at many programs, after about 45 minutes to 1 hour of starting, when Self Realization is about to begin, a new group of 20-25 people arrive and join in. Then in some places, people continue coming in large numbers, very late also, after 1 hour, 2 hours. At the end of program. And they stay too, in Rabat there has been a time when all the fourteen sahaja yogis were busy giving realization to late arrivals in small groups at different corners of the hall, after the program was over!.. To me it seemed like because they are sensitive to vibrations, when the Self-Realization is done, the seekers who are not in the hall sense this event and come by that power.
As we sang bhajans young people came and sat with us on the floor also, they sang along with us, some clapped, some meditated while listening, a few of them danced. In Casablanca at the end of the program when Irene asked them if they would like to sing a song of their own country the reply was “No, those things we hear all the time. We prefer to sing from your songs. Can we sing the Ganesha Ganesha again?”
When the programs were over, nobody left the hall. They sat with us, asking questions, learning, chatting, laughing, enjoying. Once we had to vacate the hall upon the kind reminder of hotel management – nobody wanted to go!..
The question from the university students was, “When are you going to come again?” and “How can we learn this meditation better?”
We really saw and learned from them – the beauty of Sahaja Yoga once more.
On the train I had spoken of my experience when I first met Shri Mataji in Cabella at the Guru Puja of 1997. In fact, that time I had felt a little sad because at this first encounter I had wanted to experience Her Presence, but had not been able to feel much.
When our train landed in Marakesh and we got down, something in the perception began to be increasingly different. I had the impression it must have something to do with the vibrations of the city. Meanwhile, I started pondering over this subject because to meet Shri Mataji for the first time means to really meet Her, and if I had not been able to feel Her that day, it means I did not meet Her then. So when did I first meet Her? I wanted to remember when was it that I had felt Her for the first time, and where.
That instant I remembered one meditation I had had, very long time ago about nine or ten years back, in my home in Ankara. I vividly remembered that meditation. I was sitting across a small photograph of Shri Mataji, and I was feeling that I am nothing, and She is so Wonderful. I remember I was silently praising her. And then as if She was answering me I had felt very strongly that She is in my heart, inside of me. It was as if all the praises that I had offered Her, She had put them in me. And She really was there, in my heart.
Although I always knew I had a memory like that, I had not thought of this much. But there, when I asked myself the question “when have I actually met Shri Mataji”, I found the memory of that meditation come to me. It was like a realization with much more than words could express. The whole thing came back to me, but this time with a full intensity and before I knew it I was carried into my heart, She was there, I felt Her presence absolutely there. I could feel the whole of the heart, (not only the left, but on a wider area covering left, right and center) and I felt myself dissolving outwards from there. It was very curious, as if I was thinner than the surrounding things, so when I walked about I could feel that I am partly passing through the surrounding. People, furniture, walls, anything. And when I was passing like that I could actually feel about the things.
Now this state lasted for a couple of days. I am an architect by profession. On the second day evening in Marakesh, we went to a certain historical building called Palais de Bahia. There I went along with our sahaj group, and I was surprised because now I could actually feel a lot more about the building. I had a sort of an insight, and I felt everything touching my heart because my heart had expanded. The building felt familiar. I was not thinking anything, but I was almost looking at things through the heart.
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Shobha Yatra (Processions)
a shobha yatra wiil be organised on 12-10 06 from Unchahar (Raebareli) to
Mohanlalganj &at Nigohan a public program will be organised at the end of yatra.Pray to Shri Mataji for
the success of the program
[via Sanjay Saxena in India]
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Mother in Turkish Media: The Turkish Daily News
This article was a part of "Answers to Perplexing Questions" section in the Daily News (Turkey) Newspaper:
Message of peace by HH Shri Mataji
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a
renowned ambassador of peace and patron of the Sahaja Yoga method of
Iain Maynard
Ankara - Turkish Daily News
This is a poem written by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi after her return from her first trip to the United States many years ago as patron of the Sahaja Yoga method of attaining self-awareness through meditation: She had been disturbed that her
message of being able to bring about global peace through achieving individual
balance and enlightenment through meditation fell on deaf ears in the United
States. American culture believes that you get what you pay for and you pay for
what you get. In other words, the more you pay for something, the better that
thing is, be it material or spiritual. Shri Mataji's teachings are free because
she does not believe anyone has the right to ask money for awakening somebody's
God-given spirit, a spiritual energy that exists in all of us (dormant in the
Sacrum bone) regardless of race, religion, age or gender. Her teachings have
brought enlightenment and a profound sense of joy, balance and fulfilment to
over 5 million people in 82 countries. She is also a well-respected ambassador
for global peace and regularly addresses world leaders, military chiefs and the
You are angry with life Like small children Whose Mother is lost in
Darkness Your sulk expressing despair At the fruitless end of your journey You
wear Ugliness to discover Beauty You name everything false in the name of Truth
You drain out emotions to fill the cup of Love My sweet children, my darling How
can you get peace by waging war With yourself, with your being, with joy itself
Enough are your efforts of renunciation The artificial mask of consolation Now
rest in the petals of the lotus flower In the lap of your gracious Mother I will
adorn your life with beautiful blossoms And fill your moments with joyful
fragrance I will anoint your head with Divine Love For I cannot bear your
torture anymore Let me engulf you in the ocean of joy So you lose your being in
the Greater one Who is smiling in your calyx of Self Secretly hidden to tease
you all the while Be aware and you will find Him Vibrating your every fibre with
blissful joy Covering the whole Universe with light.
Shri Mataji's style of
yoga and self realization is taught at Saglikli Yasam Dernegi branches in
Ankara, Istanbul, Antalya, Bursa, Izmir and northern Cyprus. Shri Mataji will
come to Istanbul at the end of March or beginning of April to give talks and
enlightenment to anyone who wishes it. It is hoped the Culture or Health
Ministry or even the Foreign Ministry will invite her to Ankara in her capacity
either as an ambassador for peace or as a world-renowned spiritual teacher.
Monday, October 2, 2006
Nirmala Cafe in UK: What Joyful News!
> Nirmala's is an unmissable, brightly painted 3 story building in
> the centre of town near Neal's Yard with an ever open door that
> leads in to a welcoming and comfortable cafe/restaurant, serving a
> range of healthy international dishes in line with the cafés multi
> cultural feel.
> Nirmala's has a wonderful reputation for it's healthy foods and
> juices and for it's great atmosphere and friendly staff. It is also
> praised for its sumptuous interiors with its various book shelves
> from which an interested reader can select from a substantial
> library of spiritual classics; for its wall of exquisitely framed
> pictures of the worlds realized souls, ranging from Gandhi to
> Einstein to Tagore; for its stunning murals and mosaics and for its
> raised stage area which is the site of regular musical and theatre
> performances featuring artists from around the world.
> Nirmala's has many unique attributes that lift it above other
> similar venues in the city but without a doubt its real secrets can
> be discovered on the second floor where from a large wood paneled
> room, that immediately impresses upon you a cool calming effect, it
> conducts its daily classes in Sahaja Yoga meditation; a deeply
> profound but simple form of meditation that has been know to
> transform many a burnt out city worker into a beacon of joy over
> just a short 30 minute lunch break sitting !
> Every night of the week Nirmala's is busy, with 4 to 5 weekly
> meditation classes alternating with the venues other activities
> including a popular pre booked 'open-mike' night, live-poetry
> evening, guest lecture night and nights when the venue is simply
> open as a healthy non-smoking/non-drinking evening café.
> On the third floor Nirmala's has a fully functioning office
> which is the nerve centre for a host of London based Sahaja Yoga
> activities including summer realization sessions in the
> busy public spaces from which those interested can be directed back
> to Nirmala's to learn more about meditation or to simply enjoy the
> atmosphere!
> Nirmalas is run by 3 paid office and catering staff who take care
> of all the essential day-to-day business management requirements
> and by a circulating body of part time staff drawn from the various
> London and, whenever possible, national centers. This combination
> of permanent staff and rotating staff ensures that the enthusiasm
> needed to maintain Nirmala's activities is always high.
> As a competitive cafe with fine produce on sale and as an
> attractive cultural hub with a great vibe "Nirmala's" is always
> busy and as a consequence of this makes a tidy profit which is
> immediately reinvested back into the business. The business then in
> turn supports "Nirmala's" real function which is to tap into the
> energy and buzz of the UK's capital city with its millions of
> students, foreign visitors and inhabitants and to offer them an
> alternative route into the ocean of vibrations which is sahaja yoga.
> Indeed, "Nirmala's" may seem to be a cafe, an office, a music
> venue, and other things but in reality, as its name suggests, it is
> a place where thousands of people each week one way or another are
> ascending upwards to Sahasrara and to the lotus feet of the cafes
> source of inspiration and bedrock, "Shri Nirmala Devi"!
> Jai Shri Mataji
Monday, September 25, 2006
Pedro: an inmate in a jail in Helsinki
Pedro is an inmate who received his realisation in January 2004 in a
jail from Helsinki and is meditating since that time . Pedro is
ready to have his name and address published for yogis with his
testimony . He would be very happy also if some yogis are writing
him ! In English or Spanish .
"My name is Pedro, I am thirty years old . I am inmate in a Finnish
jail called Helsingin Vankila . My sentence is : all life in
prison .
"I went to jail in 2001 and the first years I was in emotional
roller coaster . I tried not to show it outside but inside I was
feeling terrible . But then in January 2004 when I had lost almost
all hope , Sahaja Yoga was introduced in our prison .
I immediately felt something wonderful that I never felt before .
Something I couldn't explain in words . But I knew that was
something that I had been looking for all my life . Shri Mataji gave
me my self realization .
After that, I started to meditate every day and little by little our
Mother raised me and trained me with Her endless love and divine
Vibrations . I stopped smoking immediatly, thing I couldn't do
before . I know that I am just in the beginning of this wonderful
journey and I just wish to be a better instrument of Shri Mataji .
Now, we have been meditating since almost two years and a half with
yogis supporting us weekly with their wonderful programs and love .
Mother has blessed also our little collective with the chance to
have got also the permission to meditate every Sunday morning
together 4 or 5 brother inmates and me .
I feel our bond with our brothers is stronger now It is wonderful
to see how our divine Mother is changing things miraculously in this
prison . Several times somebody working here tried to prevent the
group to meditate . But actually what happened is that Sahaja Yoga
is becoming stronger and stronger . And people is now more
interested to know what is Sahaja Yoga because they can see how
wonderful we are feeling ."
My lost smile returned inside of me .I am in peace now and want
first of all to follow this path the rest of my life .
I can see other inmates are as much helped as me .
So I really wish that every prisoner in the world could have this
life changing experience .And I want to help as much as possible
for that .
I should enjoy also to receive letters from my brothers and sisters
from all over the World !"
Pedro Avila Mahkonen Helsinki April 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Krishna Puja Recollections
The 2006 Shri Krishna Puja left an indelible mark in the hearts of all who experienced it. The beauty of music, theater and joy of sharing was all over the place. Rakhi ceremony always carries special cool vibrations and is one of the most joyful events in a Krishna Puja. No one can compare the graceful and dignified dance performance of the brilliant soul Shraddha to Pt Bhimsen Joshi’s ‘Jai Jagdishwari’. The skit for Dahi-handi was awesome: it showed the breaking the curd/butter pot by Shri Krishna climbing a pyramid of yuvas. Auntie Tracy’s Julia played the role of Yashoda so well and Uncle Matt Malley’s son Tansen was brilliant as Shri Bala Krishna. It is the sweetest thing one can ever witness – you knew instantly that the crowd’s heart-strings tugged as the watched the interaction of Shri Krishna & Yashoda.
The funny twist was that Tansen was too young to climb the human pyramid and break the Matki – so in scene 2, the Krishna was replaced by another yound kid from the LA ashram – which was quite fun and joyful to watch.
The Connecticut collective performed Krishna bhajans in the Carnatic style of Indian classical music, which was tremendously soothing. They were preceeded by the heart tugging song ‘Namaste’ by the LA collective. The Toronto Collective sprung a pleasant surprise with a 12 year old lead singer – they did some amazing bhajans. There were many other dance performances by yuvas and yoginis.
Puja day morning meditation was followed by the newer biographical movie on Shri Mataji, I think called “Liberty & Freedom”. It has interviews of Shri Mataji, her daughters, Gregoire, Dr Brian Wells, Rajesh Shah and most importantly the first person to recognize Shri Mataji – the gujarati lady (my memory is failing at this point…). The movie is made on film, not video and has rich colors and top level direction and editing. It showcases some of the highlights of Sahaja Yoga – beautifully done – Shri Mataji arriving in ganapatipule by train, traveling to the MTDC hotel, puja preparations in ganapatiphule. The film starts off in a typical Indian bazaar, where a Sahaja Yogi vegetable seller is explaining what Sahaja yoga means to him in Marathi… stupendous. Then the movie moves into the details of the freedom struggle, beautiful anecdotes. Most importantly – the open explanation of Pujas and Sahaja Marriages. Astounding stuff. Hopefully it will be sold at one of the forthcoming pujas.
On puja day, Seattle showed a collection of Mother’s video extracts from all USA pujas – which was quite rousing. Shri Mataji’s declaration that America is the Vishuddhi was a beautiful moment when She is in her most compassionate ‘roopa’.
And then, Shri Mataji arrived.
Smiling, joyful, beautiful, vibrant, dynamic… during gifts she was speaking out and responding and smiling… which melted many hearts in the Grand Ballroom. Michigan made a nice offering at Mother’s lotus feet with a walnut-wood map of Michigan state with current SY centers marked with Swarovski crystals. Also a crystal car (the Auto Industry here) and a crystal lighthouse (signifying the Great Lakes and the National Coastline).
Many other things happened, little miracles, news from far and near, little leelas, yuva fun… but these stick out in memory right now…
One gift that got the maximum attention was a joint gift from Lebanon, Israel and Palestine (if I remember correctly). Which charged the whole ballroom with emotions.
Update: Oleg, one of the presenters wrote to the yogis later... It was so great moment when we came up to the stage (Emad from Lebanon, Akbar from Iran and me (Oleg) from Israel) offering the gift from Hala and flowers from Israel and prayer from all of us...
Monday, July 31, 2006
Peace to the Refugees
so there we went to spread Mother\'s love and vibrations, and we were welcomed so nicely, they quickly organised a place for us and brought us all we needed and after about 3 minutes declared on the speakers that all those who wish to experiment in yoga are welcomed to our spot. a few seconds later a lecture had started to about 40 people and from that moment people kept coming, or coming back with their relatives and held us there till very late in the night and were asking if we will be coming also tomorrow and in the next day. it was so beautiful there and the atmosphere was absolutely amazing. people were really seeking some inner peace and were all truly thankful for the realisation they have recieved. so many were telling me how all their worries and fears which were haunting them for 2 weeks have been washed away after the realisation. and many many children came to us and sat for a long long time deep in meditation. there was so much love and care in the air and i felt so much satisfaction. at first the whole camp was reminding many of us of sahaj camps or ganapatipule, and also to see all this different people who didn\'t know each other before integrate so wonderfully and care for each other was a very elevating experience and very sahaj. when we left all people and organizers asked us to come again even everyday if we\'d like to i wish i will get more chances to go there and i hope none of them will be left unrealised. jai Shri Mataji Anat\n \n\n \n __._,_.___\n \n \n \n ",1]
so there we went to spread Mother's love and vibrations, and we were welcomed so nicely, they quickly organised a place for us and brought us all we needed and after about 3 minutes declared on the speakers that all those who wish to experiment in yoga are welcomed to our spot. a few seconds later a lecture had started to about 40 people and from that moment people kept coming, or coming back with their relatives and held us there till very late in the night and were asking if we will be coming also tomorrow and in the next day. it was so beautiful there and the atmosphere was absolutely amazing. people were really seeking some inner peace and were all truly thankful for the realisation they have recieved. so many were telling me how all their worries and fears which were haunting them for 2 weeks have been washed away after the realisation. and many many children came to us and sat for a long long time deep in meditation. there was so much love and care in the air and i felt so much satisfaction. at first the whole camp was reminding many of us of sahaj camps or ganapatipule, and also to see all this different people who didn't know each other before integrate so wonderfully and care for each other was a very elevating experience and very sahaj. when we left all people and organizers asked us to come again even everyday if we'd like to i wish i will get more chances to go there and i hope none of them will be left unrealised.
Jai Shri Mataji Anat
Friday, July 28, 2006
angelic herald to the coming
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:17:59 +0200
Subject: Virata: Shri Mataji's arrival in UKDearest Brothers &
Our Holy Mother Shri Mataji arrived safely on Sunday evening into the UK.
The plane landed at about 7.50 pm. It was a shame that we couldn’t all be there
but with baggage hold-ups etc. within the airport it wasn't until 9.50 p.m. that
Her car finally pulled away from Terminal One.Mother arrived at Her house safely
and was offered three beautiful and fragrant garlands prepared by our sisters
followed by Aarti & Prasad. She and Sir C. P. both seemed very well and in
good spirits after their long day travelling.Shri Mataji was very attentive to
everyone and seemed genuinely pleased to be here in the UK whilst being gently
received by those present. David formally thanked Mother and welcomed Her and
Sir C. P. back to the UK. Mother responded with a smile and said: “But not for
very long!” (She leaves for the U.S.A. in a few days).Shri Mataji watched as
flowers and small gifts were offered to celebrate Her Divine presence and smiled
and gestured to everyone expressing tremendous contentment.The moment drew to a
close with the opening lines to a very British Bhajan “And Did those feet in
ancient times walk upon England's Mountain Green” ..sung in gratitude and praise
that again Mother was blessing Albion with Divine Grace.Mother spoke with
several people and after everyone withdrew from Her room said how Joy Giving Her
reception had been.It seemed very clear that Her health continues to improve and
that hopefully She will enjoy a good rest whilst here in the UK prior to Her
onward travels to America.
With love and respect
Jai Shri MatajiUKCASYs
Sahaja Yoga - Yogi Knights
A short (15mins) film titled 'Yogi Knights' following the theme that Sahaja Yogis are the real world Jedi using their powers to battle the negative forces and spread love and peace. In this film you will see real peoples' experiences after receiving realisation both in Manchester during the Commonwealth Games, and Easter tour in 2003. |
Re-assuring Glances, Loving Smiles
This video, showing the farewell from UK about a month ago speaks volumes of the grace and peace that flow from this personality, simply known as Mother in all universes.
The calm and love emanating from Her face in this video seem to be saying, "Children, rest now, as your Mother has just fought a battle. So be happy and celebrate this victory as we will move on to another one before we know it. Hold your positions and be the expandig oasis of love in this world as I take on more challenges until my task is complete. Just stay, Just stay... I will handle the rest."
May we be so fortunate to see Her in the land of Shri Krishna soon.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sadhaka (Seeker of Truth) Interviewed on Univision Radio, Dallas
Radio Interview of a Seeker
Monday, July 24, 2006
print this article
On July 20th, a seeker who has been coming to the newcomers' program in Spanish for last 5 months here in Dallas, and writes the health section of a local newspaper, was interviewed on the local Latino radio station Univision (1270AM). She had told us a few weeks back that the interview would be about the benefits of meditation, so we gave her some material with the research done in Sahaja Yoga, and the information about the programs for Realize America.
Some of us were listening to the radio, and were expecting to hear about the benefits of relaxation and of different types of meditation. To our surprise, even before the interview started, the presenter announced the topic of the day as Benefits of Meditation and she announced our programs for beginners on Realize America Day, and also the information about our center. The interview lasted 15 - 20 min. In a simple way she talked about Sahaja Yoga, she described what is meditation, why do we keep our palms upwards, the health benefits, the personal changes she has experienced, and how we learn to be in the present moment. At the end the presenter asked her what is different about this Yoga Meditation compared to others, and she answered: "it is so easy, so simple that you dont have to do anything, like paying attention to breathing or to anything, because everything happens by itself!"
It is so amazing how the Divine finds different ways to spread Mother's love and message to all the seekers.
Jai Shri Mataji !
With love
Dallas Collective
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Honorary Citizenship of Italy to be conferred upon Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

29th June 2006 -Honorary Citizenship of Italy
It is with great joy that we announce the Honorary Citizenship to be conferred upon Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
The local assembly for the Municipal Office of Cabella Ligure, Alessandria Italy met recently and unanimously elected to award Shri Mataji with the Honorary Citizenship of Italy. Holding Shri Mataji in the highest regard this Honorary Citizenship has been offered in recognition of the Her great works and life enriching experience. Great prosperity and peace has been brought to the valley of Val Borbera since 1991 when Shri Mataji first took up residence here in Cabella Ligure in 1991.
With this good news flowers were offered to Shri Mataji, She was very pleased by this gesture and sent all Her love to all those well wishers and local citizens who have actively supported Sahaja Yoga activities throughout the years.
On the 8th July there will be an official gathering to formally present Shri Mataji with Her honorary citizenship, attended by the Mayor of the Municipal Office of Cabella Ligure and other local dignitaries.

Shri Mataji & Sir CP in Cabella & Some Wonderful Legal News

Wonderful Legal News:
Tuesday 20 June 2006 NIEUWS De Morgen 3
The spiritual movement Sahaja Yoga has won a preliminary injunction against the Information- and Advicecenter on Harmful Sectarian Organizations(IACSSO), according to De Morgen and De Standaard on Tuesday[20 june 2006]
The Brussels Court of Appeal convicted the federal "observatorium sects", and therefore the government, because of its lack of objectivity in its two yearly report and violation of the statutory duty of motivation. The verdict opens the door to other court cases against the center by (supposed) sects.
In its 2-yearly advisory report stigmatized the IACSSO last year the non-profit organization Sahaja Yoga as a risk-full organization. The report made mention of misleading recruitment, xenophobia, antisemitism and a danger to children. Sahaja Yoga started proceedings accordingly because they considered that the report was unjust.
"The center has condemned us without evidences", says a member of the movement who wishes to remain anonymous because of possible consequences at the company where he works. " It never wanted to hear our side of the story, nor did it want to keep the verdict in Paris where the movement was cleared, into account. We had no other choice but to go to court to clear our name."
In first instance the movement was put right for fifty percent. The Court of Appeal pursues the movement completely now and is convicting the Begian state to measures which have to lead up to rehabilitation for Sahaja Yoga: the IACSSO must mention in its advice that the advice doesn't mean that Sahaja Yoga is a harmful sectarian organization. Furthermore must the decision be published on the we bsite of the IACSSO.
The decision has far reaching consequences. It is clear that the IACSSO has to change its course of action, just like its name. There is not always a question of harmful sectarian organizations.(PD)
Light of SY Newsletter is out!
- News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pp. 1-7
- SY Programs in Jails . . . . . . . . pp. 8-9
- Exchange of Experience . . . . . . . . p. 10
- When the Heart is Opening . . pp. 11-13
- A Sahaj Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . pp. 13-14
- The Way to Wisdom . . . . . . . . pp. 14-15
- Who is Who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 15
- Meditation on Marriage . . . . . pp. 15-18
- Indian Music for Children . . . pp. 18-19
- From Dharamshala . . . . . . . . . . pp. 19
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Pictures from SCI from the 70s
Thursday, June 22, 2006
UK Memories
Monday, May 15, 2006
Sahasrara Puja in Nargol
Yogis from the state of Gujarat gather on the shores of Nargol to offer Sahasrara Puja. Personally, this is a place where I grew up bathing in the waters of Nargol shore. Our family vacation home was just across the gulf, a short ferry ride. But our part of the beach was riddled with the fish cleaning industry, so we were forced to go to Nargol to bathe.
We had no idea who's lotus feet graced those waters...
Watch the slideshow of pictures:
Self-Realization & Kundalini Awakening in Bahrain

Seekers of truth in Bahrain found their destiny and here are some pictures. Here is the report:
By the Grace of Shri Mataji and by the pure attention of Sahaj
Brothers and sisters, the public program was well received by the

Over 108 new people attended the event. It was a good interactive session. The presentation was done by Mr.Suresh, the leader of Dubai Collective. Lots of new people have shown very keen interest and some of them were seen noting down points about chakras, channels etc. There were also 2 doctors got their realisation.
The next day's follow up program at our regular centre was also well attended. Some of the new people were so convinced they brought new
members for the second day's program. People came with families and
some of them are very pleased with themselves about feeling
The bahrain sahaj yogies are active now in following up the new
people. I request once again to all our brothers and sisters to pray
for the growth of Sahaj Yoga in bahrain.
By the Grace of Shri Mataji we are also in the process of spreading
this invaluable gift to mankind by HH Shri Mataji, to the local
arabic people. Two of them have attended the program. They are into
sahaj for the past 2 months.
Mother has given us a lifetime experience by asking us to take the
responsibility of spreading Sahaj to the local arabic people. If
everything goes well and if Mataji permits me, I will soon come out
with a series of experience I've encountered with one of the Bahraini
Sahaj Yogini who is so pure and specially chosen by Shri Mataji.
Some are hair raising and some we will literally cry out of sheer joy
of our spirit.
Thanks to all who have participated in this noble gesture.
Jai Shri Mataji
For Bahrain Collective
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Sunday, May 7, 2006
The Sun Smiles Down

Shri Mataji is radiant and generous at the Akshaya Tritiya puja in UK, the heart of the universe. The joy of seeing Mother happy, is a joy unfelt before. May these everlasting moments etch in our hearts forever.
Akshaya Tritiya is a festival... literally the "Infallible Third Day of the Month". Only once a year do the sun and the moon are at their brightest simultaneously. And this is the 3rd day (Tritiya) of the lunar month of "Vaisakh". Vedic systems followed the lunar calendar for auspiciousness and hence the reference to lunar calendars throughout Indo-cultural festivals.
The following auspicious events have occured on Akshaya Tritiya:
1. The coming of the Ganges on Earth, invited by Bhagiratha for cleansing his forefather's sins (cleansing of left side).
2. The day Veda Vyasa and Shri Ganesha started writing the Mahabharata.
3. The day Satya Yuga (Golden Age) starts in every iteration of the four ages: Satya, Dwapar, Treta and Kali.
4. Birth-day of Aadhishankaracharya (May 6), whose "Saundarya Lahiri" is the Golden Standard of description of vibrations which Sahaja Yogis feel and enjoy.
5. Birth day of Lord Buddha, the King of Right Adnya chakra on 16th May.

Oh! Mother,
in the heart of the Universe.
You shine down with your smile,
that outshines a thousand suns.
Your smiles are messengers of love,
That shower down the concerned hearts
and minds of your children.
Children of the heart, hosts of the highest kind,
Thanks for transmitting the joy that showers from Her
Mataji Mataji,
Your Face Shines Like a Thousand Suns.
You have given us, More than we could ask for.
Bliss and Peace and Harmony...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Indian Collective's Departure Tribute

The news story from India mentions that during their stopover in Mumbai, they stayed in the Jijabai Suite. Jijabai was the great mother of the herioc realized soul, Shivaji. Shivaji has been praised for his bravery in many tributes in Mother's talks. His bravery, courage and light have graced our textbooks as we studied History in middle school.
Jijabai was a true Viramata, mother of the courageous. She has mentioned the need for those who call Her Mother, to be brave walking the path of Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga takes courage of the highest order.
Link to the complete story:
Monday, April 24, 2006
St. George's Day

It is St. George's day in England. Shri Mataji and Sir CP spent an evening on this day with the English yogis and the atmosphere was quite charged.
St. George's day also happens to be the birth and death anniversary of the Bard. Shakespeare was born this day and Shri Mataji was presented a book of his complete works this evening.
Shri Mataji, your smile blossoms our hearts. Please continue to smile on...
Pictures and Videos on

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Shri Mataji Arrives in UK

With great pleasure, the Sahaja Yoga community of UK welcomed the advent of H. H. Shri Mataji in London, in preparation for Sahasrara Day Celebrations. Shri Mataji's smiling countenance puts our hearts and minds to peace as we join hands to welcome Her presence in the heart of the Virata.

Children and adults alike gathered in a nearby townhall to welcome Shri Mataji and Sir CP.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Mother Earth: Getting Connected
The beautiful connection granted by our Kundalini mother with the great Mother Earth. The way it works out in meditation for us Sahaja Yogis. Listen on!