Wonderful Legal News:
Tuesday 20 June 2006 NIEUWS De Morgen 3
The spiritual movement Sahaja Yoga has won a preliminary injunction against the Information- and Advicecenter on Harmful Sectarian Organizations(IACSSO), according to De Morgen and De Standaard on Tuesday[20 june 2006]
The Brussels Court of Appeal convicted the federal "observatorium sects", and therefore the government, because of its lack of objectivity in its two yearly report and violation of the statutory duty of motivation. The verdict opens the door to other court cases against the center by (supposed) sects.
In its 2-yearly advisory report stigmatized the IACSSO last year the non-profit organization Sahaja Yoga as a risk-full organization. The report made mention of misleading recruitment, xenophobia, antisemitism and a danger to children. Sahaja Yoga started proceedings accordingly because they considered that the report was unjust.
"The center has condemned us without evidences", says a member of the movement who wishes to remain anonymous because of possible consequences at the company where he works. " It never wanted to hear our side of the story, nor did it want to keep the verdict in Paris where the movement was cleared, into account. We had no other choice but to go to court to clear our name."
In first instance the movement was put right for fifty percent. The Court of Appeal pursues the movement completely now and is convicting the Begian state to measures which have to lead up to rehabilitation for Sahaja Yoga: the IACSSO must mention in its advice that the advice doesn't mean that Sahaja Yoga is a harmful sectarian organization. Furthermore must the decision be published on the we bsite of the IACSSO.
The decision has far reaching consequences. It is clear that the IACSSO has to change its course of action, just like its name. There is not always a question of harmful sectarian organizations.(PD)
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