Seekers of truth in Bahrain found their destiny and here are some pictures. Here is the report:
By the Grace of Shri Mataji and by the pure attention of Sahaj
Brothers and sisters, the public program was well received by the

Over 108 new people attended the event. It was a good interactive session. The presentation was done by Mr.Suresh, the leader of Dubai Collective. Lots of new people have shown very keen interest and some of them were seen noting down points about chakras, channels etc. There were also 2 doctors got their realisation.
The next day's follow up program at our regular centre was also well attended. Some of the new people were so convinced they brought new
members for the second day's program. People came with families and
some of them are very pleased with themselves about feeling
The bahrain sahaj yogies are active now in following up the new
people. I request once again to all our brothers and sisters to pray
for the growth of Sahaj Yoga in bahrain.
By the Grace of Shri Mataji we are also in the process of spreading
this invaluable gift to mankind by HH Shri Mataji, to the local
arabic people. Two of them have attended the program. They are into
sahaj for the past 2 months.
Mother has given us a lifetime experience by asking us to take the
responsibility of spreading Sahaj to the local arabic people. If
everything goes well and if Mataji permits me, I will soon come out
with a series of experience I've encountered with one of the Bahraini
Sahaj Yogini who is so pure and specially chosen by Shri Mataji.
Some are hair raising and some we will literally cry out of sheer joy
of our spirit.
Thanks to all who have participated in this noble gesture.
Jai Shri Mataji
For Bahrain Collective
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