This blog contains personal reflections on Sahaja Life by practitioners of the Sahaja technique. Sahaja is the path of enlightened knowledge, as opposed to other forms of yoga and meditation, which profess singular paths like devotion-only (bhakti path). Growth in Sahja happens by experiential knowldge acquisition.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
ABC Tropical Queensland Interviews Vinola Bandi on Sahaja Yoga
Integrating with the Kundalini
Mar 31, 2009alternate listening link (in case the original web-page is not available)
(alternate audio, if the one above does not work)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Welcome, My Dear Evolutis
(Listen to this blogpost as a podcast)
I saw a TED video of Enriquez, who is on track, the idea of "Homo Evolutis", however it stems from technological development and depends on bio-engineering.
The key phrase "a being that takes control of it's own evolution" is the next step for us. Agreed, however if it depends on expensive cyborg retrofits, it's restricted to a small number of people who can afford it. So the argument fails, since it is not universal.
Awakening of the opening of human chakras (energy centers) is the measure of evolution in eastern thought. With the awakening of the kundalini one is no longer dependent on forces of nature for evolution - rather one's own desire drives it through opening of new layers of their chakras. This change is universal, as witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world practicing Sahaja Yoga in every country. Cultures, countries and continents have been bridged and provided with a universal experience of accelerated self-improvement. Personality and human development can take ages, and the evolution of many births has happened in one swift action. through Sahaja.
Welcome to the new world, fellow Evolutes.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Ascent, Interrupted
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Truth is Young
It's so difficult to see
The cruel ways of World.
The Truth is always Young, but we
Are getting bitter and old.
We are growing older every day
More serious and sad,
Our paper boat sailed away
And all the joy is dead.
Come on, lets run across the Time
Like waves that cross the sea.
Else all the mysteries Divine
We'll never ever see.
The Truth will win! It's always right!
It'll wait, and then one day
With all the Powers at its side
It'll crush the evil ways!
And all the dreams that shined so far
Will come to Earth that day
And every kid will get a Star,
A merry Star to play!
It’s time to join in Sahaja
That bells of Nature ring?
The time is knocking at your doors
So come and meet the Spring!
Its time to bathe in stream of Truth
To wash all ills away
It’s time to join Sahaja Yog
And find your true way!
Just open your windows and doors
To gentle rays of sun
And open your heart to Love of God
And see what should be done.
Enjoy the blessings of Divine
To fill your every day
Once you will join Sahaja Yoga
And find your true way!