Thursday, October 13, 2005

What do you have to surrender?

[See Ppt Presentation]

"What do you have to surrender? A drop has to dissolve into the ocean

to become the ocean. And a drop cannot be greater than the ocean."

What is needed is "the surrendering of our conditionings, of our ego

and the artificial barriers we have built around us." We can approach

ourselves mentally, emotionally or physically. "We can approach

ourselves through mantras, through seeing ourselves, through knowing


"But one should know this is the greatest of greatest opportunities

for you, not for the Divine. If you are not available, the Divine can

find its own ways of fulfilling its last culmination of expression."


--Founder of Sahaja Yoga—

Sahasrar Puja, Vienna Austria, 4 May 1985

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ideal Personality

"Therefore all those who think themselves as leaders should be like an

ideal personality. And their greatest ideal is that how much Love they

have within themselves. Some are there who try to show their

greatness....some give great lectures...some of them suppress others

and some dominate others. The most important thing is that whatever

you do, there should be just the reflection of Love in it. It should

be clearly visible that it is all because of Love. Sometimes if it is

necessary to get angry on someone or it is necessary to scold someone

then he/she should know that this is out of Love that he is scolding

me....if he will not scold me then I wont become all right. So we have

to establish our benevolence because your spirit has the desire of

benevolence of whole world. Except benevolence it cannot get


Ganapatipule, India.

December 26, 1988

Sunday is Agnya chakra's day...

This is the day for us to remember that Christ was born on this

earth as a human being. He came on this earth and the task that was

before Him was to enlighten human awareness, with the sense of

understanding that we can see its actualization within the awareness

of human beings that they are not this body, but they are the

spirit. The message of Christ was His resurrection that is, you are

your spirit and not your body and he showed by His resurrection how

He ascended into the realm of spirit, which He was.'

Caxton Hall, England, December 10, 1979

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Marriage & Parenthood

This heart centre is caught up by various emotional problems in

human beings. Husband and wife, if they all the time quarrel, there

is always quarreling in the house, specially if the mother is very

dominating, the child develops this centre. And if the father is

very dominating, the child develops this�the heart itself. So it is

very important that husband and wife should never quarrel in the

presence of their children.

Like marriage, also some people come to Me and tell Me, 'Mother, I

am very happily married or unhappily married'. The one who is

happily married is equally headache as the one who is unhappily

married. The unhappily one I can understand why is a headache. But

the happily married also says, 'I must do something for my wife, I

haven't done anything, I haven't bought her a diamond ring, I

haven't done this for her, and this and that.' But where is your

attention. The whole attention is directed to that which has no


Source: Not sure. From HH Shrimataji's talk on Marriage and Parenthood

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Subtle Child

Think of mother who has to bear the child, has to give birth to a

child, has to look after the child, the needs of the child, protect

the child, to train the child.

…Now in the same way sahajayogi must know that the child within him

is born – the Spirit. Spirit is the child which has been born within

him, now he has to nourish it, through the Kundalini. He has to

water it, he has to look after it. It has to make it grow. Now where

is the time for other nonsensical things? You have a child in hand.

You are all mothers looking after the child – that's your Spirit. So

where do you have time for all these things? The attention should

be: "what can I do to make this child happy, to make this child grow

to make this child completely manifest my self. "The mother replaces

herself as soon as a child becomes a mature child. So now in you,

the motherhood must take over the fatherhood. Motherhood towards

yourself. The attitude should be like a mother towards the child,

how her attention is towards the child.


Surbiton, 21.8.1983


--Founder of Sahaja Yoga—

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Left Quests

Janjaals are literally "Quagmires". The left side loops down in descent infinitely and a person with wrong, restrictive, left-sided ideas can infinitely loose himself in the unending maze of the left side. The sustaining forces for such a person are conditionings, heresay and secondhand knowledge which is never guaranteed to be pure. This vulnerability protects the person from being a social menace, but becomes a menace to its own existance. The ideas, aka bhoots (past-based-constructs, conditionings) take such deep roots that a immature realized soul can get lost in the stupidity of beliefs.

Practice of life rather than being a spirit-sustained living experiment becomes a hurried, scary rollercoaster of believing in just ideas rather than being powered by the spirit. The spirit is behind the clouds and can come out and shine in the presence of the Kundalini. It is the Holy Kundalini as Shri Durga that will extract these left-sided souls and show them light and a life of balanced living.

In my personal case, it is taking time. Being an alumni of that dangerous school of thought where there is a practice of life based on country-conditionings rather than the spirit. Unable to get vibrations for a while after realization should put an honest question: "Why cant I feel vibrations if I am realized?" But there are plenty of stupid ideas that circulate saying "Its allright, you'll get it" or "It doesn't matter when you are doing it from the heart" etc. Nothing wrong with these ideas floating around, except that they cannot back themselves up in the long run.

Being an Asian Indian in this birth, it was easy to pull off tricks that make apparent the daily conduct as being a yogi. But the western-born is also vulnerable to karmakand [ritualistic perfection] to sustain the drama of "yogi-ness", if you will.

This blog has commented on honesty before, but not with this new found perspective. Solutions to all problems left or right, are well expounded on by Shri Mataji's talks in the 70s, 80s and 90s. These living artefacts of evolution explain in astounding detail the problems we have.

The problem with our problems is the fact that the mind is smart enough to cloak it with excuses and render them either genetic & unsolvable [superegoistic] or not-a-problem [egoistic]. Humans can live with the problems. Adjust to them. Unconciously feed them. When the light shines down, when the cleanup time comes, it reveals the tragedy of the rottenness these problems have caused without our knowing.

A speculation on why we do not know about problems: Not because we are unevolved, but probably because we are the most evolved on earth. Our immunity blesses us with strength to do routine activities, even carry on wrong lifestyles without sensing the destruction... because of the vastness of the inner space. Like theivery in a large corporation goes unnoticed.

I can tell you a zillion times: stop identifying with the defective soul and identify with the spirit. But to make it happen, to actualize it, needs the supercharged voice of Her Holiness Shri Mataji. I hope this post awakens inspiration in those who have hit a deadend or those who have a nervous idea that they are comfortably allright & they have finished their achievements.

Wishing you True Spirituality