This blog contains personal reflections on Sahaja Life by practitioners of the Sahaja technique. Sahaja is the path of enlightened knowledge, as opposed to other forms of yoga and meditation, which profess singular paths like devotion-only (bhakti path). Growth in Sahja happens by experiential knowldge acquisition.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Uttrakhand Yuva Shakti Seminar (Feb07)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Uttrakhand Yuva Shakti collective had a unique Seminar cum workshop on 24th February 2007 at Col. V Tewari's (Uttrakhand Coordinator) residence premises amidst the greeneries of Kumaon ranges in Bhimtal (Nainital). Yuva Shaktis were mainly from Almora, Bhimtal, Nainital, Kathgodam, Pantnagar and Kashipur collectivity of Kumaon region.
The seminar took off at 11:00 a.m with collective meditation, Mahamantras, Bhajans and a prayer in hearts to Shri Mataji to guide us in seeking the right path and the destination. It was around 50-60 Yuva Shaktis who had assembled to attend this one day workshop.
The seminar on the whole was very effective and covered almost every aspects and essence of Sahaja Yoga and above all being in limits of Yuva Shakti carrying out unlimited works in Sahaja Yoga. The topics in the Seminar mainly were focused on the essence and knowledge of the subtle system and the Tattwa. It was so engrossing that everyone intangibly felt as if the entire collectivity was literally touring through the visual path of the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna along with their gross expression of plexuses within. The topic also toured around the tattwa and their significance on the subtle system in our atmic utthan. There were some interesting revealing facts where one could realize as to why and how the respective colours of the Nadis and Chakras are governed by our inner emotions and actions etc (ida, pingala). Then the topic covered aspects on cleansing of all the three channels. These were metaphorically related and demonstrated with practical knowledge of our day to day life styles.
Recalling the wonderful narration in the seminar, it is worthwhile to cite that one instance on interactive discussion on Protocol and Ritualism there was an emphasis on why we should not indulge into much of ritualism and its pros and cons in our ascent. What is the need of Protocols and less practice of rituals? A beautiful example made the collective understand the fact that how Shri Ganesha spares none those who dives into the realms of ritualism departing from the Nirmal Vidya. A beautiful example with metaphor through a story was narrated to express and explain how the traffic police hauls up who tries to act funny and becomes a bit nuisance as they drive honking their horns unnecessarily through out creating troubles for himself and also for others on way. Similarly in our journey of spiritual ascent Shri Ganesha looks after us like a cop. Whoever indulges into these karamkands are caught by Him and He takes care of those fellows. For example referring to practice of various Rituals even in Sahaja Yoga , it was pointed out that persons who loves to indulge himself with fire treatment more than meditation even after coming to Sahaja Yoga or when we are too much into candling business are caught up and the Mooladhara Chakra gets affected along with the left Swadisthana as it affects the Nirmal Vidya inside.
Then there were many subjects and subtle aspects that were covered like the inherent dangers of transgressing protocols of Brotherhood and Sisterhood and Marriage protocols in Yuvas. Beautiful examples were cited relating the relationships the ‘Trinity’ like Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiva manages in their houses with the Shakti aspect on one hand while are bound by the duties of a brother with the Shaktis of the other. Like Shri Vishnumaya is the sister of Shri Krishna on one hand while Shri Lakshmi is the Shakti of His. Shri Shiva’s Shakti becomes Parvati who is in relation the sister of Shri Krishna. Again Shri Saraswati becomes the sister in relationship with Shri Shiva and so on. Whenever there is any transgression in Sister and wife protocol Shri Krishna comes into play and Vishuddhi is affected as Shri Vishnumaya goes haywire. So the protocol is to be maintained with wife and sister distinction or brother-sister relationship specially after coming into Sahaja Yoga as we become realized souls to understand this aspect from inside. The maryadas have been distinctly defined and they are to be respected.
Although there were many issues that were discussed as the topics went ahead with the sun swinging down towards the west to set early in the Himalayas. A few understandings were given on the qualities of various Chakras and information about their presiding deities. Basic knowledge on Shri Mataji and Her advent on Earth , as to say who is Shri Mataji and how the Yuva Shakti was christened (by Mother in 1987); basic aspects of protocol expected from Yuva Shakti ;contribution of Shri Mataji and Her family in the freedom struggle and Her respect for the country; Shri Mataji’s association with Gandhiji and the sacrifices; some history and genesis of Sahaja Yoga; Knowledge on subtle system, as to how our Chakras work ( or even how much do they tolerate our nuisance) and balancing our channels; what books to read, What magazines like Chaitanya Lahiri/Divine Cool Breeze ( The Vedas for Sahaja Yogis) or the Yuva magazine Yuvadrishti that caters to the Sahaja Yogis and also shared the information on the world wide Sahaja websites with the general knowledge on where and how to plan our best of living and how to enjoy Sahaja Yoga. Of course ultimately to be joyous and be happy yet have priority in Sahaja works.
Subtle knowledge on the manifestation of Ekadasha Rudras on the Forehead and the qualities of the ten Gurus in the Void, unique to Sahaja Yoga were concisely described. Referring to their position in our subtle system, their qualities and the reason for their catches and their affect on us and also others were very nicely explained. Various cleansing techniques such as foot soaking, candling, and shoe beating and matka treatment were explained practically. The principle of the Gruha Lakshmi, her expression of warmth in us and why she sometimes becomes aggressive was explained precisely. Very vivid explanations were portrayed on the various elements like Light, Air Fire… etc. Any extreme use or misuse of these elements brings in imbalances within us. It was also pointed out as Mother says the Fire that brings warmth while cooking meals by the Gruha Lakhsmis in the kitchen can also help burn the entire household in seconds, so it is to be respected and handled carefully and respect the Gruha Lakshmi Tattwa within us. But on another hand the fire can also help enlighten the house in celebrations of Diwali or celebrations of Independence Day or Republic Day through the aspect of Raja Lakshmi principle. So each and every aspect is to be respected with balance. The use of water and effect of earth on us were also deliberated at length.
Then an interactive session on Demonstration and rehearsal on self realization and knowledge disseminations to the seekers and our attitude towards them (practical demonstrations), topics covering Yuva issues/struggles/solutions/meditation/rituals/self realization were discussed.
A unique set of questionnaire was served as a class room workshop before and after the workshop to assess how far the collective Yuvas have progressed. The questionnaire itself was so simple in the first look, yet it did test our inner knowledge on our individual ascent and progress that was to be completed in ten minutes. It had questions as to what are the changes and benefits we got from Sahaja; questions were focused on our subtle system, about various Chakras their deities and many more. Another questionnaire was related to our experiences and work done by us for Sahaja, finally a Performa was regarding our personal information was filled and this was the winding up of the programme very interesting old lecture of Shri Mataji was distributed on how to deal with the new comers. It was a old talk old Devi Puja in 1989 in Helsinki.
The day long seminar cum workshop was concluded with a beautiful gesture of Gruha Lakshmi’s expression of warmth (lunch) that was served by the senior yogi/Yoginis present over there to all the 50 Yuvas present there like a picnic. We all had it in collectivity. Finally before the departure it turned out to be another real party time for the Yuvas as it marked the Birthday celebration of our state coordinator Col. V Tewari. It was very exciting moment to witness as the B’Day boy cut the cake and all enjoyed it a lot. At 4:30 p.m the collectivity of the Yuva sangha departed like great scientists and soldiers of Love with a lot of learning and lessons in hand as if competent enough to stand together with Einstein but with a purpose...that is a vow in heart to spread Mother’s message of Love to every nook and corner and becoming a fruit from flower as we understood the blossom time has sprung up within us by Mother’s grace.
Chinese National Sahaja Seminar in Beijing / Tianjin City
A special national seminar will be staged on 6-8 April, 2007 (Friday to Sunday)
during Easter period at a resort between Beijing and Tianjin City. Please help
to spread the news and let more yogis know of this activity. Those interested in
supporting the development of SY in China, please join us by putting attention
on this event; Anyone just by chance visiting China in this period, we hope they
can come and join us. Hong Kong will have around 10 yogis attending and yogis of
other parts of China have been invited and it is expected around 70 will turn
Interested parties should contact the Beijing or Tianjin collectives
with the following contact persons (Haiyan of Beijing or Jill of Tianjin ) who
can speak English.
Haiyan (86)13911204023 ( email: Haiyan.Hao "@"
Jill (86)13302129612 (email: jilltao_2000 "@"
(Remove the double quotes and spaces)
Related: Sahaja Yoga Celebration Video from Youtube: