This blog contains personal reflections on Sahaja Life by practitioners of the Sahaja technique. Sahaja is the path of enlightened knowledge, as opposed to other forms of yoga and meditation, which profess singular paths like devotion-only (bhakti path). Growth in Sahja happens by experiential knowldge acquisition.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Recollections of Birthday Puja 2007
This is from Rabi in India
...The day was too hot for all of us with dusty wind around
and to beat the heat it was an amazing sight to enjoy the kitchen cum dinning
hall meant for the overseas yogi/nis just at the entrance of the campus.
Icepacks, Cane Juice , Coocnut water and cleansing prayers before the beautiful
altar staged within the pandal . It was like more than shade of trees that
hosted more than 1400 yogis from outside India in the Staying and the non
staying category.Beautiful menus and delicious preparation as blessings of our
Mother in Her Shri Gruhalakhsmi Form added grace to the appatite of the yogis.
There was yet another attraction ...the beautifully creative decorations of
fruits and flowers made the inside of the dinning hall as an Ashram.
Well in the evening amidst 8-8500 yogis which filled the main pandal in
the open air had their seat at 1830 hrs. although the Puja was announced for
1900 hrs and yogi/nis were requested to be in teh main pandal latest by 1800
hrs. The evening heat was gradually getting off as the left view of the open sky
sparked witha contrast crescent moon and a lone star to say we are ready.
At 1900 hrs the meditation staterd with bandhan and mahamantras and then followed a bhajan by Surekha Apte with Naam na Jane...Tum Asha Vishwas hamare...then came the beautful instrumental solo performance by overseas yogis and the hosting country brothers and sisters from middle East, Australia and others.At 1930 the earlier day's events of celebrating the Birthday event in Pratisthan was screened to see our beloved Mother happily seated and watching each and every movements. Then there was the Chhindwara Project overview on the CD. Then there were a number of bhajans rendered at Her Holy Lotusd Feet in Pratisthan with Janam Din Ayo...Bar Bar yeh din Aye...happy Birthday to You..., Chhindwara mein Janam Hua ...
It was probably some wireless message rushed into announce
within bringing in teh news of Shri Mataji's arrival in the Nirmal Nagri, that
suddenly transformed the netire scenario with a bhajan...tere Sahaji Pukar Rahe
Aaj...aoo Meri Nirmala Ma(Your Sahajais are praying today for Your
arrival...please come into our hearts O Dear Nirmal Mother). Just ten minutes
later the sky filled with sparklers and beautiful fire crackers...the fragrance
engulfed the entire the bhajnas continued amidst the impatient
collectivity standing with Shri Jagadamba Aye re .....Mahamaya Mahakali...with
the typical chorus voice of MukhiRam from india. It was probably at quarter to
eight that the curtains were opened to the collective for the Holy Darshan of
Shri Mataji amidst thunderous applaud and excitement.
It was immdeiately after that we heard Shri Ganesha Artharvashirsham
being recited and the little Ganeshas flocking around and being helped by Mr.
Pugalia and Mr. Majid to place the flowers at Her Holy Lotus Feet as the Shri
Ganesha Puja was being offered. Mother was complacent with Her gesture ....She
was alter watching also prabably trying to witness the health of Her children
who were away physically for so long from Her Darshan.... The love flowed with
Her divine glance as it could well be seen on teh giant projection screens in
teh campus inspite of the poor audio score . Well it never mattered as we were
inside heart and ears nevers mattered between Mother and Her children to
understand each other.There were bhajans then with teh ongoing Shingar like Jago
Savera Aya...Janam Din Aya AdiShakti Ka... Chhindwara mein Janam Hua ..
The most streiking and pleasant of all things happened was
spectacular...probably to my recollection...thgis was for teh first time that
Kalpana Did and Sadhna Didi were the two yoginis and the two daughter of Shri
Mataji to adore Shri AdiShakti on Her 84th Birthday together ...smiling and
having a very close contact with their Mother and our Mother...It was just
wonderful a site and we felt it was amidst a universal family play and we were
there where all sons and daughters were there before the Mother and Sir CP later
came up as our father to speak the words of our beloved Mother as Shre would
have desired him to convey to all of Her reliased Children on Her 84th Birthday.
At quater past nine Arti was offered at Her Holy Lotus Feet and then
Birthday felicitation and message from His Excellency President of India was
handede over to Sir CP to be read out to our Mother. at half past nine the
collectivity was blessed to witness the most exciting moment of the cake being
graced and cut by Mother and Sir CP being helped by their grandson with a knief.
It was filled by the joyous moments and fire crakers and ballons beings
released in high air as teh Raj Lakshmi would have desiredfor te cllectivity to
enjoy that moment in Her Holy presence of Shri Mataji.Janam Din Ayo...was again
being sung...Mother seemed to enjoy Her the vening grew coooler
with Her grace the unwanted heat was gradually fading as the cresent moon
vanished into the thin air behind the heights of the backdrop hillocks where
once upon a time Shri Sita and Shri Rama had resided.
It was then the turn for the International gifts to be offered and s it
was and again we heard te bhajan Shri JAGADAMBA aYE RE..... Later the
felicitation messages were read out by Rajesh Shah . They came from President of
India , then diginitaries from Turkey the hosting country...then Texas and
Oklahoma ...the governors and Mayors...with all words that were read out in Her
Holy praise of our Mother.
It was then that Sir CP was requested to speak and he did speak what our
ears yearned for long to hear the holymessahges. It were all the prayers that we
would be humbly was the same that Sir CP wasmaking asif we
became all one before one God Who was seated..there was a resolution taken by
Sir CP on behalf of all of us and the world to Mother...that " Mother please
maintain the throne on this Earth until every human being is trasformed.' It was
then a very lovely moment yet very serious one as Sir CP himself tried to invoke
our beloved Mother to address the collective...It was like our father was trying
to compell our Mother inside to address Her children with Her words which She
would not just do was indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani '
from mother that was directly entering and activating our Madhyama
inside...right into our heart. It was the silence that had more powers and
energy than mere words it was subliming to all of us whoever needed to think as
they would take any meaning for that precious moment, It was Mother transmitting
Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and entering into our stage
of Madhyama and would not just let out of the Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and
become mundane...It was for teh netire world ...the globe...just not for teh
eight thousand collectivity who were witnessing this play.It was indeed a word
that was pleasing to hear Sir CP opening address to us with 'Jai shri Mataji'
.Later Sir congratulated the stupendous works undertaken by teh Pune
collectivity and also Mr. Pugalia to transform this part of the Earth in Heaven
compared to the last yera sceanrio.
Then there was a last request that came o sing the qwuaali
Number...'Mata Ka Karam Hain'''...this made every kunadalini dance..Sir CP
coould not help claping and beating the moments with nods and smailes at his
corner of his lips and speaking to Mother as if saying...Look how joyous are
your Children on Your Birthday...Just bless them...and She raises Her right arm
helped by Sir CP to bless us all children.........Are we all
listening....brothers and sister...Shri Mtaji blesses us all at the conclusion
of the Birthday Puja to enjoy the vollys of cool within as we enjoy this
instruments experience...I darenot revise or revisit what Mother made me
write...I just would subit let Her vibrations flow so that our world could
grow....We are all one child of one Mother and She ois Shri Mataji in Her Mother
Form...some call Her AdiShakti some call Her by Mahashakti...But I love to call
Her asmy beloved Mother within my Heart...She is still smiling as I am saying
and I know is alaso smiling through you and through us as we enjoy this part of
the story before more flows in....
Jai Shri Mataji
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
A Beautiful Picture: Shiva Puja
