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Showing posts with label discretion. Show all posts

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hamsa Chakra: Introduction

As we head out for a capstone seminar in Toronto, for newly established students of Sahaja Yoga, I was asked to compile a handout on Hamsa Chakra. Using Nirmala Search, here is a part of what came together:

Location: Hamsa chakra is part of vishuddhi chakra and is placed at a point between the eyes.

The Expression of Ida and Pingala is given through the Hamsa ChakraWe have never yet paid much attention to this center of Hamsa, which is, I think, very important for the Western world, rather than for the Indian or the Eastern. The reason is, at the Hamsa chakra, part of the Ida and Pingala come out and manifest - means the expression of Ida and Pingala is given through the Hamsa chakra. So this Hamsa chakra is the one that, as if has not gone up to the Agnya, but is holding on certain threads or certain parts of the Ida and Pingala. And they start flowing through your nose, expressing through your eyes, from your mouth and from your forehead. So you know that Vishuddhi chakra has got sixteen petals, which look after the eyes, nose, throat, tongue, teeth. But the expression part of it comes through the Hamsa chakra, of all these. So it’s a very, very important thing in a Western mind, to understand Hamsa chakra. There’s a beautiful couplet about this in Sanskrit, “Hansa kshveta ha, baka ha kshveta ha . ko bhedo hansa bakayo ho. Neera ksheera vivek e tu. Hansa ha hansaksh, baka ha baka ha.” Meaning ‘The crane and the swan, both are white. And what makes a difference between the two? If you mix the water and the milk together the hamsa (swan) will just suck in the milk. So it can discriminate between the water and the milk while the bakha, means the crane, cannot’. It’s a very significant thing for Sahaja Yogis to understand.

Read More: Sahaja Path Newsletter, CA