Friday, September 28, 2012

Using the breeze, or vibrations of the spirit

'I lived in Dehra Dun, India in the 1980's. In theory money was sent to me from London but it sometimes got mislaid. I would often sit drinking tea with the manager of my bank, while he looked for my drafts. As always in India, we talked about many things apart from the lost money.

In 1985 my bank manager told me he was very worried about his friend A. G, who had a serious form of blood cancer. He asked me if I knew any doctors in England who might be able to help him. I said I did, but they were all involved in the yoga, Sahaja Yoga, that I did and would probably suggest those treatments as much as the conventional ones. He asked me if I could go to Meerut, near Delhi, where the young man was staying at that time to tell him about this yoga. I made contact with his family and they indicated that there was not much time to waste, so I went soon after.

The family in Meerut presented me with the young man's medical reports, which meant absolutely nothing to me, except that certain numbers were obviously going down and down. The young man was having regular blood tests. They told me that the normal person has 150,000 red blood corpuscles per cubic centimetre of blood. His count was down to 11,000. At any time when there are less than 10,000 there are not enough red blood corpuscles to carry the oxygen and the patient dies.

He was lying in bed and looked a pale sickly yellow, nothing like the warm honey colour of a North Indian person's skin. I explained Sahaja Yoga and gave Self Realization to him, gave him a photo of Shri Mataji and told him how to do the Sahaja Yoga treatments recommended for cancer. Some weeks later he went back to Dehra Dun. He was still in his bed, but looked slightly less ill. I gave him vibrations and he was very positive and was obviously doing the treatments, meditating and taking vibrations from Shri Mataji's photograph. Things went on in this way and, after some time, he was up and about.

"How is the cancer?" I asked.
"Look, we are probably going to see each other quite a bit in the future and one thing you are not to ask me is how is my cancer. I am Indian and I know that the most important thing is to get Self Realization."

He was still not entirely out danger but his family, who at this time were not yet involved with Sahaja Yoga, decided that as he had stabilized they should send him to America to have a bone marrow transplant. He had to spend some time in Delhi while his visa was sorted out. While there he met a family of Sahaja Yogis. The husband of this family had also had a Sahaja miracle and had been cured of paralysis, after being on his back for two years following a stroke. A. G. went to Sahaja Yoga programs with them almost every night for some time.

The young man was having regular blood tests. After he received his Realization, his red blood count stopped going down and stabilized. But it was only when he was in a collective environment and he also spent a lot of time being given vibrations, and with this family, who were all strong Sahaja Yogis, that his blood started to really normalize quickly.

He never did get to the States, but at the end of the year, after he had been in Sahaja Yoga for about eight months, he met Shri Mataji. The day before he actually met her, he went to the hospital and the blood test showed his blood was almost back to normal, and he was well out of danger.

Sixteen years later, A.G. is healthy, married with two children, a successful architect. He achieved the cure by working on himself from Shri Mataji's photograph, using the vibrations coming from it, and with the help of other Sahaja Yogis, who would share their healing vibrations with him. (L.W.)

There are many similar stories involving cures from a number of diseases and other grave situations using the healing vibrations of the cool breeze. This website serves merely to introduce the concept of the cool breeze which is felt by all those who practise Sahaja Yoga.

Here is another story of the heightened awareness which is common to those practising Sahaja Yoga.

In January 1987 I got married, and my wife is from India. Soon after the wedding I had to return to Europe. However, since I wanted to visit my in-laws in Nagpur, India, I tried to extend my ticket to return a few days later. I was told by the airline that this was not allowed and that I would have to buy a new ticket, but I had no money for this. I asked my Sahaja Yogi friends what to do.

"You are a Sahaja Yogi," they told me, "you ask the vibrations."
So I wrote in my palm: 'Shall I stay in India?' A cool breeze was coming.
Again I wrote, this time: 'Shall I go to Nagpur?' The breeze was flowing again.
I asked again: Shall I go straight back home to Austria? Very clearly the answer came, no cool breeze, no vibrations at all.
"You have felt the answers yourself. We cannot decide for you," my friends said, so I stayed. They promised to try to extend my ticket home, so I left Mumbai and went to Nagpur.

In Nagpur I met Shri Mataji's brother, the late Baba Mama. He asked me if I would like to visit the house at Chindwara where Shri Mataji was born, which was now used as a hospital. Two days later, my new family and I went there. Baba Mama had given us a letter, which, he said, would allow us to visit each room of the house.

"I'm not telling you in which room she was born. You'd better find out for yourselves using vibrations," He said. When we gave the letter to the hospital director, he asked one of the doctors to show us around the hospital. We were all very eager to find the right room. So round we went, our hands stretched forward with palms turned upwards, ready to register every slightest cool breeze or vibration on our hands. We felt coolness and peace all over the hospital, and in one laboratory both my brother-in-law and I could feel more vibrations. Standing in this small room, which measured about two metres by five, and holding my hands like a radar scanner, I directed them to each part of the room.

I never doubted that we would find the spot, but as we found it, we became excited like children.
"You felt it too?" I said.
"Yes, it's there in this corner," said my brother-in-law. We went round the whole corner, from the left side to the right side, then raising our hands from the bottom to a height of about two metres to check how high this breeze was reaching. After a little while of enjoying ourselves like this, we again remembered our guide, the doctor, who was standing there patiently.

We asked him whether he had any idea what we were doing there and why we were holding out our hands like this.
"No," he said, "but two years ago, a doctor from Saudi Arabia was here in the same room and doing just the same thing." He had found the same corner as us.
"His name was Dr. Rustum?" I asked, knowing this Sahaja Yogi was then living in the Middle East.
"Yes, yes." So we had some further confirmation. We were later told that this was indeed the right place.

My return flight home was scheduled to leave Mumbai at 3:45 am. I had to take a connecting flight the previous evening from Nagpur, which in theory left Nagpur at 7:15 pm to reach Bombay at about 8:30 pm. I checked in at Nagpur Airport and waited. At 10:00 pm the plane had not even arrived, let alone left for Mumbai. While I was waiting, I noticed that I was not at all nervous or hectic, as I used to be. All around me I felt a kind of coat made out of soft coolness. At 2:45 am I finally reached Mumbai, where a Sahaja Yogi was waiting for me at the National Terminal.

Then we had to go to his flat to pick up the luggage I had left there. I checked in at the International Terminal at 3:20 am to find my other Indian friends waiting for me. They thrust a boarding card into my hand and a few minutes later I was sitting comfortably in a first class seat - the other compartments by now being full.

In the plane I found some other Sahaja Yogis, who told me that they had somehow been able to exchange my ticket with somebody else, usually quite impossible. They also told me that the whole procedure of boarding a plane in India normally lasts at least two hours, not twenty minutes, especially during the night, the peak period in Bombay.

Incidental to this story is the power of Sahaja Yogis to ask questions to the vibrations. The Unconscious is infinitely cleverer than we are and once we have our Self Realization we are in touch with that. The writer is a medical doctor from Austria, Dr. O. K. The story also explains why in many cultures and religions places, where saintly and very holy personalities have been or lived, are considered to have beneficial effects on those who visit them. It also shows how, once one has felt the cool breeze, indicating that Self Realization has taken place, one is often looked after and cared for in the most extraordinary ways.

'Once Shri Mataji took about five children to a game park near London, in 1981. As we were driving around the game park, we drove past some giraffes they turned their backs to us. Shri Mataji explained that the animals felt the vibrations she always emits as a cool wind and, in the way of animals, turned their backs to shield themselves from the cold. Animals are one with the universal consciousness, whereas unrealized humans are split off from it, and often lost in their egos and superegos. As realized souls, we should be one with it again.

One night in the early 80's some of us stayed at Shri Mataji's house in London after working there late. I had slept a night once in the flat she had before buying this house, and on both occasions noticed the same thing. Often if one wakes early in London in the summer, before the traffic noise drowns out everything else, one can hear the birds singing.

But in all my years in London - over ten in all - I only heard the birds singing all through the night in London on two occasions, both when I was staying in a house where Shri Mataji was at the time. I asked her about it.
"Yes, they feel the vibrations," she said. Shri Mataji has often told us to meditate in the early morning, just before the sun gets up, because the vibrations are very strong then. This is the moment when birds generally start to sing. The birds felt the vibrations of the awakened Spirit all through the night, however, and started to sing as they would have normally done at dawn.' (L.W.)

These are examples of how animals, birds and all nature are part of the universal consciousness, and respond accordingly. As humans, especially modern, so-called civilized humans, we have often lost that sensitivity. But we can regain it, and go further, because whereas for these living creatures it is a spontaneous unconscious awareness, for us it can become a conscious recognition of what in Sanskrit is called sat chit anand - meaning truth, enlightened attention and inner bliss and joy. These are the three qualities which describe the conscious experience of the Spirit within us, which is experienced on the level of the body as a cool breeze.


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The stories you've shared about the impact of Sahaja Yoga and the experience of cool vibrations on individuals are fascinating. It's remarkable how this practice and the connection to the universal consciousness can have such profound effects on people's lives.

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There is an imbalance or lack of harmony when there is a hot breeze, tingling, or uncomfortable vibrations.

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The provided passages share experiences and testimonials related to Sahaja Yoga, a spiritual practice founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. events

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Unknown said...

These stories collectively convey a message of spiritual growth, healing, and the deep connection between individuals, nature, and the universal consciousness through the practice of Sahaja Yoga. They offer a glimpse into the transformative power of self-realization and the cool breeze, symbolizing the conscious experience of the Spirit within. services

KellyP said...

It would be fascinating to hear more about your experiences in Dehradun during the 1980s. Did the money eventually arrive? What were some of the other "many things" you discussed with the bank manager? Were there any particular challenges or joys about living in Dehradun during that era? I'm eager to learn more about your story!

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Unknown said...

These are remarkable stories that highlight the transformative and healing power associated with Sahaja Yoga. The first narrative illustrates the potential of Sahaja Yoga in aiding the recovery of a person diagnosed with blood cancer. Through the practice of Sahaja Yoga, the individual not only stabilized but also experienced significant improvements in their health, ultimately avoiding the need for a bone marrow transplant. SEOLogic

Unknown said...

This story serves as a testament to the holistic and transformative effects of Sahaja Yoga, not only on physical health but also on one's overall well-being and life path. It highlights the profound impact of spiritual practices and collective positive vibrations in fostering healing and personal growth.

KellyP said...

Remember, your experiences can be a window into a world many may not know, and I believe your stories hold the potential to be both captivating and informative. So, please, keep the conversation flowing!

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Peter Floyd said...

Harnessing the breeze or vibrations of the spirit involves attuning oneself to subtle energies for inspiration or guidance. It's a practice rooted in mindfulness, connecting with nature or one's inner self. Through this sensitivity, creativity flourishes, and one navigates life's journey with a deeper sense of purpose and harmony.I find a very good website for Painters Valdosta, GA , Thank you

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Unknown said...

This journey highlighted the remarkable impact of Sahaja Yoga on A. G.’s health and well-being, demonstrating the powerful intersection of spiritual practice and conventional medicine.

KellyP said...

This is a fascinating glimpse into life in 1980s Dehradun. The story about your bank manager and his friend A.G. is touching. It shows the kindness you offered and the unique approach to healthcare you encountered.

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Unknown said...

Sixteen years later, A.G. is a healthy, successful architect, married with two children. His journey to recovery was profoundly influenced by his dedication to Sahaja Yoga practices and the support from fellow practitioners. Through the vibrations and meditative practices associated with Shri Mataji's photograph, he achieved a remarkable cure, demonstrating the potential of spiritual healing in complementing conventional medical treatments.

KellyP said...

This is a fascinating glimpse into life in 1980s Dehradun. It's interesting to hear about the close relationships people could form, even with someone like a bank manager. The detail about yoga being suggested alongside conventional medicine is a reminder of the cultural approach to health in India. Thanks for sharing this story! pinellas park roofing

Joana said...

Very inspiring story. The writer is a medical doctor from Austria, Dr. O. K. The story also explains why in many cultures and religions places in Jacksonville, where saintly and very holy personalities have been or lived, are considered to have beneficial effects on those who visit them.

Unknown said...

Sixteen years later, A.G. is healthy, married with two children, and a successful architect. His recovery is attributed to his dedicated self-work using vibrations from Shri Mataji's photograph and the support of other Sahaja Yogis, who shared their healing vibrations with him.

KellyP said...

Thank you for sharing these experiences with Dr. O.K. I found the story about A.G.'s recovery from cancer particularly inspiring. It's interesting to hear how meditation and the "cool breeze" sensations played a role in his healing journey.

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Guest said...

Nice post! Thanks for sharing. Expertise in Concrete Specialization

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this deeply moving and inspirational story. It beautifully illustrates the power of faith, community, and alternative healing methods through Sahaja Yoga. The journey of A.G.'s recovery is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact that spiritual practices can have on one's health and well-being.

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