Friday, September 28, 2012

The Miracles of Sahaja Yoga

Main Article: Oleg Florov's Geocities Website Archive

How does one define a miracle? If one considers it to be an event or occurrence which does not follow the normally accepted laws of nature, then Sahaja Yoga is a miracle. But if one thinks about it, many things which we accept as normal would have been considered not just miracles but impossible not so long ago.

In the recent past humanity has made enormous strides in the worlds of science and technology, in other words many 'miracles' have ceased to be miracles in the material world. Imagine talking to someone in 1900 and trying to explain the technology behind a CNN global news broadcast, the Internet, mobile phones, - all the conveniences of life we take for granted. Great grandpa would have thought you were living in a complete fantasy world!

Clearly, the experience of the cool breeze mentioned in the previous chapter, is not as yet a common experience to humanity, so could at present be defined as a miracle. But that is only the beginning of the story of this new awarenesss, miraculously existing within all of us if we choose to seek and find it. It is the first sign of Self Realization.

Self Realization occurs when what in the Indian tradition is called the Kundalini awakens from its dormant state in the sacrum bone, and rises through six chakras or subtle centres within each of us. It reaches the top chakra, called the Sahasrara, which is at the top of the head, and union of the individual takes place with the all pervading power of the divine, the collective unconscious at the basis of all creation. This experience is felt on the gross nervous system as a cool breeze.One feels peace and inner joy at the same time, and the thought process settles down.

After that, one needs to settle into this new awareness and learn how to use it to grow inwardly and in every way. It is the greatest blessing we as humans can receive, and obviously it is a gift. Then many other experiences start to occur which can also be defined as miracles. Some have been noted in the page entitled Experiences of Sahaja Yoga. Others are below and a book is being prepared for publication of hundreds more.

L.T lives and works in of South Africa.This her story:

It has been almost eight years now since I received my realisation by the Grace of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Looking back it is incredible to me to see where I was picked up from and how my life has changed so dramatically. As with many seekers, my seeking took me to drugs and alcohol, desperately seeking for a heightened consciousness and awareness. I had smoked dope in copious amounts for seven years, combined with large volumes of alcohol and packets of cigarettes and then moved onto more chemical drugs such as cocaine and LSD.

One night in Cape Town, going through yet another emotional roller coaster ride, I asked for my Self Realization, from a friend of mine who had received her own Self Realization just two weeks before. I was amazed to see the joyful change in her. There were no blinding lights, or even feelings of vibrations - hot or cold; no dramatic experience, but a gentle, warm feeling of having arrived home. And somehow deep down inside I knew that something very special had happened to me, a real treasure to hold onto.

The most incredible thing happened to me, which just shows the tremendous power of the Kundalini… the desire to drink, smoke cigarettes and take drugs completely fell away, and I literally stopped overnight, all of it!!! I started practising Sahaja Yoga from that day on until the present day. It continues to be a beautiful journey and I am ever grateful to Shri Mataji for having blessed with Her unbounding love.

In October 1982, Shri Mataji was visiting Bedford, England, where She spoke at a public program. Her photograph had appeared in an advertisement in the local newspaper, the "Bedfordshire Journal," earlier in the day. While Shri Mataji was speaking at the program, a road accident took place some distance away from the hall, in which a young man, Jason, was injured. Only a day or two later did he recognize the photograph in the newspaper as the lady who had come to his aid, as Journal reporter Ross Francis related under the front page headline, "GURU AND THE 'MIRACLE BOY.'

Jason was not "seeing things," according to the man who is arranging the present whistle stop tour for the lady Guru. He said it was quite probable that Jason had seen a "mystical vision" of the Shri Mataji.
He said there were many cases known to the movement of people who had witnessed the vision of the woman who, it is claimed, can cure serious illnesses by the touch of her hands.

"It's quite possible Jason had such an experience connected with this lady. Strange things have happened that just can't be explained rationally. I don't discount what he says at all."

Jason came off his motor scooter after colliding with a car in Cauldwell Street, Bedford, last Thursday at 9:15 pm. He had finished work for the evening and was riding home. At the same time, Shri Mataji was at a meeting in the Guildhouse, Harpur Street. She didn't leave until 11pm.

Jason said, "I was just laying in the road in pain. People were standing about saying, 'Don't touch him - he may have broken his back.' Then I was aware of this Indian lady over me. She said, 'Do you have faith in me?' I said, 'Yes.' She put her hands on my head, my shoulders, my arm and my body. As She took Her hands away from each spot, the pain just vanished. I thought I had broken my arm, but she said I hadn't."

He didn't see the lady after that and minutes later was taken to hospital in an ambulance. Bruised and shaken, he was allowed home later in the evening after his worried parents called to see him.

Two motorists concerned in the accident said they had remained at the spot until Jason was put into the ambulance. Neither had seen the lady. The ambulance crew which took Jason to hospital and police officers who attended the crash also said they had not seen her.

The couple with whom Shri Mataji was staying after the program and who drove Shri Mataji home said that her car had not stopped and no one had got out to help at any accident. But when told of the strange events this week, Shri Mataji said, "It's marvellous to think such occurrences are happening in this country and it is a blessing."

Jason's mother said, "I would like to meet that woman to thank her for whatever happened. It is like a miracle."
And the final word from Jason, "I definitely saw this woman and She helped me. There was only one spot She didn't touch, my lower back, and that is still hurting."

B. B. of New Zealand has some points to add about this story.
'During the 1983 tour of America, Shri Mataji, while She was in Los Angeles, did a radio interview. We were waiting with Shri Mataji for the studio to become clear. This was shortly after the incident which happened in England, the so-called "Bedford Boy," who had had an accident on his motor bike and when he was taken to hospital he told the doctor of this strange thing that had happened with him, how while he was lying there, this Mercedes had come up and stopped nearby. And this lady in a long white dress had come out and smiled at him, come to him, and passed her hand over him and had left him and had gone back into her Mercedes and driven off.

"Yes, that is a very interesting story. The reporter is somewhere. You should tell him," the doctor had said. The boy told the reporter and the reporter had reported this incident, which had had a number of sequels.

"Oh, that was the lady," said the boy when he saw the piture of shri Mataji in the local paper. "That was the lady who came to me when I had my accident." The doctors were amazed that very little damage had been done to him. The other interesting thing was that this accident had happened while Shri Mataji had been delivering a public program at the Bedford Town Hall.
In LA, Shri Mataji was talking about this incident, and a Sahaja Yogi asked Her:

"Shri Mataji, were you conscious of that? Were You conscious of being with that boy at the accident?"

"It's like this," Shri Mataji answered something like this, "the Divine is always transmitting. The message is always going out from the Divine. Whether it is picked up or not depends on the quality of the receiver. If the receiver is good, then the divine message is picked up."

Now presumably the boy in Bedford was a good receiver.'

L. .W. corroborates.
'I was at that Bedford program, except that because my baby son was crying, I had to take him out and sit in the back of my car with him, so as not to disturb the programme. Shri Mataji's car was near mine in the car park, just outside the main and only door into the Town Hall.

Believe me, no one came in or out of the Town Hall while the program was on. I know because I was sitting there wishing I could go inside, except with a fractious child I couldn't. So I was watching the door intently all the way through, waiting for Mother to come out when She had finished the program. She finally did, at about ten o'clock, accompanied by the other Sahaja Yogis. The Bedford boy incident had happened much earlier in the evening.'

C. N. and K.McH. tell the following story about how Shri Mataji resolved a serious ecological problem.

In 1992 Shri Mataji was staying in Cairns, Australia. The Cairns Sahaja Yogis told Shri Mataji about the problems that were occurring in the area of Queensland in northeastern Australia. One of these was the crown of thorns starfish, normally living in manageable numbers on the Great Barrier Reef. They have a body about the size of a dinner plate, ten arms that come out from the body and are all covered in thorns, hence the name. They live on live coral and over about twenty years their numbers had grown to plague proportions. They moved like a swarm over coral and ate it and they left the bones of the coral. The scientists were worried that the Great Barrier Reef would die. The Sahaja Yogis told Mother and She went out in a glass-bottomed boat to see them. She put the starfish into bandhan and said it was in Her attention.

Shri Mataji put these things into bandhan. She said that Queensland has a problem because there is so much corruption there in the society, the government and the police force that they will have plagues.

After Sydney Shri Mataji then flew on to New Zealand. And on the way back from New Zealand someone from the Perth collective was sitting next to Her. She wanted to watch the news on the internal flight video. The first item was that tens of thousands of crown of thorns starfish had been found floating dead off the Great Barrier Reef. The scientists couldn't understand what had happened but looked into the thing and they found that the proportion of crown of thorns starfish had gone back to the pre-plague proportions. This all happened about twelve days after She had been there and put Her attention on it.

So just what is this cool breeze?

It is time for an explanation! Some of this might be quite a lot to digest and accept initially, but read on, and you too might feel it.

In this first personal report, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is conducting an introductory programme of Sahaja Yoga, to give Self Realization. The newcomers are told they have this experience when they feel a cool breeze coming from their own bodies. Sahaja Yoga is extremely simple. The first stage is to get Self Realization.

In many scriptures this experience is reported as being accompanied by a wind, or coolness, for example the wind of the Holy spirit in the Christian bible, or the 'sali lam' or cool wind which accompanies the awakening of Kundalini, necessary to attain 'moksha', or realisation of the self as spirit, in the Hindu tradition. It is interesting that in many languages, the word for Holy Spirit, or Adi Shakti as it is in Sanskrit, is a feminine noun. Christ used an Aramaic word which was feminine, and in Islam, the word is feminine: 'ruh'. In at least two African languages, Zulu and Xhosa, the word for Holy Spirit and cool wind are the same: imoyo.

'My family and I live in Sydney, Australia. I was never what is termed a seeker. My brother was always looking for something, and said he would tell us once he found it. One memorable day, in the early 1980's, I was seated in front of the television watching a football game, when my brother came home and said the most incredible thing had happened.

He had just met an Indian lady called Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and had received his Self Realization. He told me he had spent the day with her and a group of people and he had felt an incredible cool wind coming from her body, when he put his hands in her direction.' (C. K.)

In this account, a young man reports feeling this coolness coming from Shri Mataji herself. Shri Mataji is an extremely powerful spiritual personality, and as she has said on many occasions, she has come on this earth to give en masse Self Realization to all those who are sincerely seeking inner fulfillment. She explains that this coolness is a very subtle form of vibrations, and it is felt as a cool wind or breeze. As she is the one who has opened the way to this en masse awakening for all the rest of us, it is hardly surprising that even her body radiates this coolness very powerfully.

'I got my Self Realization in August 1979. The first strong experience was when Shri Mataji invited some of us to her flat in London a little later. Before getting my realization, I had been experimenting with different forms of consciousness, and seeking for something, but unfortunately it had caused me to have all these voices going on in my head all the time in those days.

Shri Mataji got me to put my left hand towards her and the right hand towards a candle flame. After some minutes all the voices in my head stopped and a cool breeze just came blowing into my forehead. It was a lot easier to be experience inner peace and inner stillness after that.

Some months later, a woman and her brother brought a sixteen year old boy who had cancer to Shri Mataji's house in Brompton Square, London. I was doing some decorative work, maybe painting or wallpapering, in the same room where Shri Mataji was curing this boy.

He was so weak, he couldn't even sit up. She had him lying down. She called me over to help as well.
"What do you feel?" She said. I felt incredible heat coming from him. Shri Mataji gave him healing vibrations on his Nabhi chakra, at the level of his waist. I was feeling it all and, maybe after twenty minutes or so, it was just blowing cool. I saw and felt Shri Mataji cure this boy of cancer. What a tremendous experience. After being almost carried in, he walked out, full of energy.' (J.W.)

This young man had some sort of imbalance, and when he is cured he feels this same coolness. He gives a short account of how he is healed, which anyone who practises Sahaja Yoga quickly learns about. The same man is involved in helping to cure someone, and whereas when the boy is clearly ill he feels heat coming from him, once he is better he feels coolness radiating from his body. In any system heat indicates friction and often a problem. Once a person has Self Realisation he or she can become sensitive to this subtle heat or coolness, and can also learn how to direct these subtle vibrations to help heal people of diseases.

'I was at a public meeting in about 1978, in London. I had been coming to Sahaja Yoga for a few months and a Sahaja Yogi gave me vibrations, particularly on my Agnya, (forehead). All of a sudden, I began to feel a tremendous cool breeze flowing.

In those days, Shri Mataji used to come by and talk to each one of us.
"Are you feeling the cool breeze?" She asked.
"Yes," I replied.

Then she told me to put one hand towards her and one hand towards a long-haired person who was next to me. The hand towards Shri Mataji felt this fantastic cool breeze, whereas the one towards this guy felt tremendous heat. As I was doing that, this man, a complete stranger, turned around to me and for no apparent reason said something like he didn't like me at all. It was the first time I had felt the difference between the cool and the heat.' (B.K.)

This writer, an aerospace engineer from Singapore and now settled in America, also shows how the cool breeze indicates positivity whereas heat indicates some problem.

'My mother went to an introductory programme of Sahaja Yoga and received her Self Realisation. She came home with a photo she had been given of Shri Mataji, the lady who started Sahaja Yoga.

My mother showed me the photo and two extraordinary things happened. Firstly, for no apparent reason, I smelled a very strong and beautiful aroma of roses, and then I felt a cool breeze coming from the photograph. The following week I went along to the Sahaja Yoga programme too.' (R.I.)

This young woman, who comes from Italy, feels the coolness coming from a photograph of Shri Mataji. We find by experience that photographs of Shri Mataji, and anything She touches emits the same coolness. In a sense the matter is transformed.

Many people have been healed of serious diseases and others have gained Self Realization from the photograph of Shri Mataji, without ever meeting her. The beautiful smell of roses has been experienced by many people in the vicinity of Shri Mataji, her photo, or places where she has visited, even some time after she has left.

'My mother and I have been involved with Sahaja Yoga for many years. She never misses a chance to take me to an art gallery, but one visit stands out. We were in Milan, Italy in 1998. It was a warm day and we went to the Castello Sforzesco. We walked around for about an hour, until we reached the room which has the Rondanini Pietà by Michelangelo in it.

There were some benches, and being hot and tired, we sat down to look at the statue. We both suddenly felt a blast of cool wind, like air conditioning on full. It seemed to be coming from the direction of the statue.

"You've got strong air conditioning on in here," my mother said to the attendant.
"No, signora, there isn't any in here," he said, looking rather puzzled.
"That was a bit slow of us," laughed my mother, "after all, Michelangelo was a realised soul."' (A.W.)

The mother and daughter feel a powerful cool wind coming from a great work of art. This is a continuation of what has been written above. Because Michelangelo was a realized soul, his artworks emit good, or cool vibrations. And how does one know he was a realized soul? Because if a Sahaja Yogi puts his or her attention on him, a coolness will be felt on the palms of the hands.

The Girl from Palakol

I am an Indian girl born in a place called Palakol, Andhra Pradesh. My Parents had good devotion towards God Almighty. My father used to worship all incarnations of God mainly Lord Shiva, Lord Shri Rama, Lord Hanumana and Shri Shridi Sainatha. My mother is a good devotee of Shri Shridi Sainatha. He is a sadhguru who is an incarnation of Shri AdiGuru Dattatraya. Usually Parents ideas and their deeds influence children alot. In that way I also started worshipping Shri sainatha from my 5th class onwards i.e from the age of 9 years. I used to pray to Him in all my problems, in all my fears and also in my joy. I used to pray to Him every minute in my heart. But in my personality, I used to be afraid for everything i.e even talking with others, used to feel insecure, having so many tensions for doing any work. I couldn't share anything with any one like a closed heart fellow. One side I had very good bakthi towards God Almighty and other side I had all these qualities in me. Because of this possessed nature I used to hurt some of my friends even in my bachelor's degree. It means from 9 years to the age of 18 years, there is no change in my behaviour at all. But I still had same bakthi towards Shri Sainatha. One day one of my classmate who was practising this Yoga told about this meditation to my roommate. On that day she went and took self-realization, even she at that time couldn't understand what it is exactly. She and me used to do all things together all the time. So next day she took me to meditation center. There I saw a couple of people, who were practising this Yoga for a few years, giving self-realization to new people infront of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's photograph. Seeing all this I thought inside, I shouldn't pray to any other God expect Shri Saibaba, I couldn't leave Him.

This Yoga starts by giving self-realization to us. Self-realization means awakening the kundalini, which is the purest form of feminine Divine energy, which resides at sacrumbone in all the humanbeings. In the previous days all the saints used to do great tapsya(called meditation) for so many years for getting this self-realization. But Shri Mataji made this experience possible for everyone through the technique of SahajaYoga. Shri Mataji made it very simple in such a way that within minutes we will get this self-realization by using Her Photograph or in Presence of Her. When Kundalini raises we feel cool breeze called vibrations on top of our head and on our palms.

So those people tried alot to help me in getting these vibrations. But I was with only one thought inside strongly that I shouldn't worship any other God. With that thought I didn't practise this Yoga until six months after I got self-realization. After six months one fine day me and my roommate went to picnic with all my classmates near to a sea shore. On that day I hurt again my roommate without understanding other's feelings, without understanding how much love she is giving to me. I was like that all the time in my own world. So she didn't talk to me. It made me worried alot. When we were returning from the picnic since my roommate was not talking to me I went sadly and sat near other friend. I think time came for me at that time to realiaze completely about Sahaja Yoga. I sat unknowingly near the friend, who was practising this yoga. He was talking something and suddenly he started telling about this meditation. I asked him I wanted to learn this meditation with a thought that I should become good. My roommate was leaving to her place next day I thought inside before she comes back I should learn this meditation and I should become good before she comes back.
So my classmate took me this meditaion center after a couple of days. Before he took me to this center, I was reading Shri Sainatha life story and thinking even I was doing all these things why is my behavior was not changing? Why I still worried for all the small things. Why couldn't I give happiness to others???????? So many questions started.

When he took me to meditation center this time I felt as if Shri Sainatha showed me this path to free from all my worries. I started practising this Yoga twice a day for 15 to 20 mins. daily even I didn't understand what it is completely at that time. After 10 or 15 days I started feeling this cool breeze. I felt some curing was going in my subtle body. My heart was becoming light and joyful. I felt I was relived from all my tensions and fears. I felt my health also becoming very good, I observed that I was not taking any medicine also. I realized Who Shri Mataji is. Then I didn't felt that I left Shri Sainatha.
This Kundalini energy rises from the sacrum bone through the spinal column. As a result, the energy centers or chakras become energized or nourished. With the kundalini awakening I realized all the deities inside us, I realized God within us. I realized that unless we find God within us we will not get real happiness. When Kundalini passes through all these chakras, it connects us to All Pervading Power. So Sahaja Yoga means the spontaneous connection or union with the self or the spirit. This Kundalini has Motherly nature. It always protects us from all the problems and looks after us every min and every sec. In that way I was saved from so many accidents. I felt completely secured. When Kundalini cleanses all the chakras we get qualities of Divine i.e Loving nature, Forgiving nature and sharing nature. I found tremendous change in my behavior. I realized until we find God within ourselves our behaviour will not change. Now I feel God's Motherly love & compassion all the time taking care of me, protecting me and giving me real happiness all the time.

After my roommate came back from her home She also started practising this yoga and all other roommates also got realized. My parents also realized God within themselves. And all of our roommates’ families started practising Sahaja Yoga. All of our neighbors also got realized. From five years onwards we have been practicing this mediation every day and enjoying ourselves. Now thousands of people are practicing this Yoga all over the World. There is no discrimination on religion or color to practice this meditation. We worship all the incarnations of God Almighty within ourselves. Thanks alot for Shri Mataji for giving this beautiful Yoga in this horrible time of kaliyuga.
This Self-Realization is open to everyone.

Kakanim Tells a Story

Once upon a time two young men Ali and Ram lived in a village. They were brought up wise, generous and brave in the nature’s care and nurturing of village atmosphere. They have started on a journey towards the East to explore the worlds.

The Journey began thru dense forests, arid deserts and rugged mountains on their way. They came across a cave in which they decided to take the shelter for the night. As they entered the cave suddenly the ground under the feet of Ali shook and he disappeared into the ground. Not knowing where his friend has gone Ram has searched around and a beautiful lady has appeared before him. The lady spoke with a sweet voice, “O charming young man. I am very much pleased with you and wanting to marry you. But I must turn your friend into a monkey. Please accept me as your wife and we will live happily ever after.” Ram, was very angry with the lady and spoke with determined voice, “O lady. I don’t know who you are. You have taken my friend and turned him into a monkey. For this I shall not forgive you nor I can accept you as my wife. Return my friend Ali to me or face me”. As soon as Ram spoke these words the lady turned into a monkey and ran into the forest, his friend Ali has appeared before him.

Ram explained what has happened to Ali and they rested for the night there. In the middle of the night Ali was woken up by a sound of blazing lava inside the cave. He woke up and couldn’t find his friend. He saw an ugly and dreadful looking man staring fiercely at him. Ali stood without fear and asked the man about his friend. The man answered “ Whoever comes into this cave I have complete right on their lives. But being a kind person I decided to take the life of only one of you. So you are free to go now”. On hearing this Ali felt deeply distressed, recovering himself in a moment he said, “You let my friend go and take my life”. On saying this he jumped in to the hot lava and Ali found himself next to his friend Ram. They hugged each other and made a promise to each other that they will remain friends for their rest of the life and no one can separate them. They didn’t know that The Almighty was watching the great friendship among his children and was pleased with his children.

Ali and Ram have decided to return home after acquiring lot of knowledge. They approached their village eager to meet their parents and relatives. As soon as they came to outskirts they realised that it was their prayer time, headed towards Mosque and Temple in different directions. The Almighty felt this way. My children have passed even the toughest tests, but now for worshipping me they went to different places. They don’t know I was in their hearts.

This is how the irony of life is in our present day life. We some times find ourselves in great confusion about life and what to achieve in life. Many of us have chosen and honestly tried different ways of life to find peace and true meaning of life. Some of us were mislead sometimes cheated in our journeys. The meaning of ‘Self’ and “life” became suddenly transparent from illusions and darkness for me. I found Sahaja Yoga and the experience of Self Realisation. I have been enjoying my life ever since I came to Sahaja Yoga in 1994. I love and enjoy my true “Self” and the company of thousands and thousands of my brothers and sisters all over the world. It is a blessing and I find myself in the lap of Mother Nature, a Jerusalem, a Heaven, a Mecca and I find the Promised Land in and around me. Hope you also enjoy the same Bliss and Joy.

- kakanim

Miraculous Escape: Blessings of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

In a family who practices Sahaja Yoga in Indore, they are four members, parents, a son and a daughter. The parents were worried about their daughter's marriage, as she was not ready to get married for next 2-3 years. The parents prayed to Shri Mataji and sent the bio-data of the daughter without the prior knowledge of her, to the guy they were looking for. As the boy was looking for an MBBS girl and their daughter was B.Com., they were still worried.

Somehow due to Sahaja Yoga the things changed miraculously. The guy not only called them for a visit but also agreed to get married. The daughter checked the vibrations of the guy, and as he was having good vibrations, she too replied in positive. Moreover he started practicing Sahaja Yoga from the day of their engagement. The parents were happy people. But the story doesn't end here; in fact it begins from here. The to be bridegroom is working in Merchant Navy. He was on the leave when he got engaged. He had to join the ship in the Houston so he left from India on 9th of September 2001. On 11th of the same month he had to catch a flight from Zurich to Houston. But somehow he got delayed, missed the first three flights and was waiting for the fourth one. Then only he came to know that one of the three flights got hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon or one of the buildings of World Trade Center, the most dreadful event of the millenium. The authorities diverted the fourth flight to Montreal, Canada.

This is how Shri Mataji saves her children.

Similar thing happened to a lady in Indore. She was going to attend a function in Mysore. She had to catch a train from Khandwa so she left for Khandwa by bus. On their way to Khandwa the bus driver couldn't keep control of the steering and bus fell down from a bridge in the dried river. The height of the bridge was 25 feet. The bus went upside down, but miraculously the lady didn't even get a scratch, while other passengers were hurt mildly, thanks to Shri Mataji. Even the presence of a Sahaja yogi can make the difference. Her husband was with her, but he was not a Sahaja Yogi. He got a mild crack in the shoulder so he needed some treatment because of the pain. As the bus got delayed due to accident, and they had to catch the train, they were unable to go for the treatment in Khandwa. Luckily in the same compartment there was a doctor travelling with his aid box and he treated him there. After the incident the husband also joined Sahaja yoga and both are living happily. These are the few miracles that happen everyday to the Sahaja yogis all over the world, but this is all the byproduct of Sahaja Yoga. The main aim of joining Sahaja Yoga is to get self-realization and to attain peace of mind. After getting self-realization, one enters into the Kingdom of God, where He takes care of all his children.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Occupy The Self: The Importance of Inviting Auspiciousness

It was a typical trick. Bait and switch. It was not minutes since i had realized i had been swindled off $1200. I was lured in with the promise of an employee discount which was yanked away when I went to renew my apartment lease, and then further increases were added on as my state has a lack of rent control laws. Yet, the cycle of emotions that followed afterwards amazed me to the bone.

For about ten days, I have been playing with a few meditation principles that deal with beginnings and ends. Whether its a project or a simple emotion that arises causing pleasure or pain, if we can control for the beginning and end of the thought process, the outcomes are amazing.

Shri Mataji advises in 1985 on success and happiness in endeavors of all natures on the occasion of Guru Purnima festival and celebration in Paris, France. The thoughts that follow, are heavily derived from the guidelines by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on this occasion, and several other occasions.

In many endeavors in our lives we are sometimes deprived of opportunities, sometimes we are confounded by overinformation, both to the end of being mislead and entrapped by stronger entities like corporations, who know better about laws and use their knowledge to exploit us. The result is the failure of our endeavors, the failure of our efforts and wasted time & energy. The solution is to ensure the beginning and the end are divine-compliant.

The Beginnings of Endeavors
The beginnings have to start with not just a ritual to Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, but a genuine, heartfelt invitation for him to be involved in what is to follow. That could be something as short and quick as a contemplation or something long drawn out like a project. The involvement of the Lord of the first chakra brings auspicious grounding for the purpose and the success.

The Middle and the End of Endeavors
And, as far as the end point of endeavors is concerned, the question remains, how do we measure our success? Again, in something as short as a few minutes of introspection or a decades long endeavor of any nature. We cannot manage, something we cannot measure. We cannot declare the end of an endeavor unless we feel we have failed or succeeded. The benchmarking process is simply to check vibrations at the milestones along the endeavor. The check is simple and effective because the measure is a summative variables of all and any variable deemed relevant to success: Vibrations. The pleasing flow of energy through us, which is calm and soothing. This corresponds to the pleasing of our inner energy, the Mother Kundalini.

So simply, we begin, progress and conclude by checking vibrations.

However, the process has a pleasant side effect. It helps our behavior evolution through substitution. Nature abhors a vacuum. So when we are idle, we are very much susceptible to become a devils workshop, because the vacuum in us is quickly occupied by one or more of the six enemies: greed, fear, anger, hate, lust, pride. That is exactly what was happening to me, when I learnt of my latest swindle at the hands of the corporate juggernaut that our apartment owners are.

I was upset, angered and helpless. And when I sat down to sulk and pamper my feeling of anger, I applied the new routine of dealing with endeavors: invite Shri Ganesha to my process and check for cool flow as I introspect. Normally I would have spent days cursing my destiny, the heartless corporate types holding us hostage and the inevitable days of mourning that destiny. Yet, just the simple act of inviting the deity of innocence to my thought process made sure the negative feeling and emotions were kept away from my introspection. I was certainly dejected, but felt in a shell of temporary remorse, rather than a prolonged self-torture by harboring hatred towards the faceless enemies.

Thank you Shri Mataji for rendering the advice so clear and practical, that a so-called formerly atheist mind like mine can not only understand, but bring into practice the true knowledge of inner peace.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Acquisition Instinct

What is the first thing that goes through my mind when I see a friend driving a new car, or a relative with a swanky new abode or a talented person? For long having seen a desire rise up to have something similar in life, something that would maybe give fulfillment, but would surely make others jealous. That is the right definition of an acquisition instinct, which is perverted by a goal which is not noble. The purpose of human made things are to give joy, at least that is how they are advertised. They don't give joy, just the occasional happiness of seeing someone else yearning for them. Thus begins the ceaseless journey of perverted acquisitions.

Communities built upon feeding such instincts are of shallow character. Spiritual systems that condone this instinct are the bane of the world and individuals who become active drivers of pandering to this instinct are surfing just the base nature of humans. The journey that takes us farther away from enlightenment.

At the subtle level, the acquisition instinct is the first reaction we have to things we perceive in other's possession. He we react to things we perceive is highly dependent on our discrimination. A Hamas chakra is balance will enjoy a perceived object irrespective of ownership. For instance, there are times when I look at my aging car and I feel the need to acquire a better one, or I look at my child and I worry about his upbringing, or I look at my apartment and the anxiety of rising rents consumes me. But when I have returned from a wholesome afternoon in the company of the meditation community, the reactions are quite different.

I would look at my possessions and feel thankful, I would look at my apartment and enjoy the nature outside, I would look at my offspring and relive my own childhood. Same perceived objects, different cognition. The Hamsa chakra, is triaging the sensori input correctly into higher thought.

The Hamsa chakra is an interesting little chakra. It is a part of the fifth energy center of the senses, the Vishuddhi Chakra. It is active when healthy, directing our sensori input from the five senses the correct subtle centers within the brain, which are connected to the subtle centers in our body. When malnourished, it is inactive and the processing of sensori input is now left to the willpower of the person, which is the balance of the left and right sides, the sympathetic channels.

Thus, when the person is well rested and at peace, the perception is processed well. But when the person is stressed out, the willpower is ebbing and the sensori inputs lead to perverted cognition. For instance, looking at something beautiful raises the instinct to acquire it, irregardless of social justice. Criminal behavior ensues and hoarding of objects results.

The hoarding that results from PAI (perverted acquisition instinct) is not just what we see on episodes of hoarders, but also in hoarding of mp3s, hoarding of ambitions, hoarding of options, hoarding of securities, hoarding of money in the bank etc.

The solution is recommended by the wise lady of the east, Her Holiness Shri Mataji, who has worked incessantly to break the chains of money-based systems on the human soul and elevate the human condition. The solution to any self destructive behavior is not in taboo or restraint. It is in finding a more powerful, fulfilling substitution. In the specific case of PAI, the recommendation is to become more involved in local flora and fauna. Replace the "cool knowledge" of where to find the best local deals and eats with the truly cooler knowledge of local trees and flowers. Spend the attention and time in knowing the living nature in the immediate surroundings and it heals our sensori processing.

So what local trees and flowers surround you?