Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chakras are like flowers

They open up to the sunshine of the spirit

They close up when so surrounded by dark

They grow from small to large gradually, like all life

Fragrance and color are important  but not that important

They love being offered to the divine, and that fulfills their destiny

How else are flowers like chakras? Share your thoughts below in the comments, please:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Flowers

There are places troubled and poor in the whole wide world
People cry for our help but nobody would like to go
And only suddenly fair like a message of God
Among those poor grounds beautiful flowers grow:

Flowers don’t know the bad and good
Comforts and prestige they don’t know
They grow in every country, in every neighborhood
On stones and on sands the Flowers grow.

People like to create and compare brands
And according to taste they make divisions
And so they turned the earth into separate lands
And so they turned the truth into separate religions

But Flowers don’t know the bad and good,
Comforts and prestige they don’t know,
They grow in every country, in every neighborhood
On stones and on sands the Flowers grow.

And if we go all out and listen to our hearts
We’ll see that each person around is our sister or brother
We will feel that the earth is the whole and we’re only a part
And so we will not judge, but we will love each other

For Flowers don’t know the bad and good,
Comforts and prestige they don’t know,
They grow in every country, in every neighborhood
And lets wish that in our hearts these Flowers grow.

-- Alla Levitan

Poem (c) 2008 All Rights to the poetic words reserved by the poet. No part of the poem can be reproduced, performed or published without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Images CC licensed by Martin_Helgan