dharma is sustainability. my fascination with sustainability started when taking a course in ecoManufacturing during my masters studies in IE and it triggered a seeking and introspection about sustainability in general matters of finance.
a-dharma, the lack of righteousness, would therefore be all actions which are not sustainable. this blossoms into such a profound explanation of all things attractive which lead us away from the spirit:
- Credit Cards & Loans: Unsustainable by all means. e.g. Vic wanted to satisfy my worldly desire of watching movies and I used a credit card to obtain a TV. It ended up making Vic less collective. If he had tried to be more creative about fulfilling his desires, then two things would have happened: (1) The desire would have been tested for purity, if unachievable collectively and (2) Would have given Mother more chances for furthering his realization via the creative fulfillment of the desire.
dharma & novice protection:
one of the biggest conflicts of seekers and newly reborn yogis is protection versus growth. while seeking one is more likely to throw caution to the wind and experiment with the soul. but after realization there comes an extreme, and sometimes irritating habit of thinking about protecting the self from negativity etc. This period is a part of a yogi's evolution. Going through it wasn't easy, but it was a relief when this part of establishment of self realization was validated by Shri Mataji in one of her talks.
auto-dharma & collectivity:
the evolving solution to the above problem is auto-selection of dharma by being collective. All unsustainable ideas from the ego would perish in the pure light of the collective (that hurts the ego initially) and all dharmic ones will work out in collective effort.
some examples of this come to the mind immediately:
Vic's & other dodo's impure ideas used to perish with regularity in collective, because of lack of establishment of own's self. Ideas which came from the heart got implemented even before they got expressed, which proved they were a part of the higher collective consciousness' workings: (1) Assistive Technology for Mother, (2) Russian speaking resource for Katya in Ann Arbor, (3) Advent of yoginis and yogis with a yearning for Sahaja culture in Ann Arbor etc.
in conclusion: torsion zone
dharma, spirit, collectivity, ascent and witnessing sometimes come together so beautifully. The distinction of these is only due to the stages in which they dominated in a particular case: spirit starts seeking dharma to participate in sustainabile growth only -> for this it becomes collective and the mind becomes a resceptacle for collective thoughts from the torsion zone-> collective working filters out the impure and unsustainable -> joy from the witnessing spirit fires up the soul in ascension.
This blog contains personal reflections on Sahaja Life by practitioners of the Sahaja technique. Sahaja is the path of enlightened knowledge, as opposed to other forms of yoga and meditation, which profess singular paths like devotion-only (bhakti path). Growth in Sahja happens by experiential knowldge acquisition.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Drew Rlzn, The Next Step in Love, Chronic Issues
Lets start with the good news. Baby Drew is now realized.

Felt this 1 year old's vibrations and they were nice. He is under the care of a yogini, so there is no doubt he might have had his Kundalini awakened spontaneously. But its always nice to have a double validation. He kept good company as we meditated after the realization process.
The not so good news is that the personal instrument is still under repair and construction. The love for Kundalini seems incomplete from the vantage point of respect.

Can love and respect be two different things? Maybe, because loving a person is one thing and respecting another. Love is you feel that person and is the first step in the yoga. That now seems to be somewhat in place with the ability to raise the Kundalini in conditions of humility. But the next step in ascent has become obvious this morning, that respect needs to be built. So I asked Her what could be respect? Amongst many protocols, the ones that have seemed to be chronic so far are (1) getting up at 4am, (2) Sleeping off by 10pm, (3) Losing bad fat (100% yogi votes, :)) (4) Eating healthy (5) Facilitate accessability of Kundalini awakening and sustenance, ie Sahaja Yoga. (5) Making contact with possible community rooms available in A2.

Felt this 1 year old's vibrations and they were nice. He is under the care of a yogini, so there is no doubt he might have had his Kundalini awakened spontaneously. But its always nice to have a double validation. He kept good company as we meditated after the realization process.
The not so good news is that the personal instrument is still under repair and construction. The love for Kundalini seems incomplete from the vantage point of respect.

Can love and respect be two different things? Maybe, because loving a person is one thing and respecting another. Love is you feel that person and is the first step in the yoga. That now seems to be somewhat in place with the ability to raise the Kundalini in conditions of humility. But the next step in ascent has become obvious this morning, that respect needs to be built. So I asked Her what could be respect? Amongst many protocols, the ones that have seemed to be chronic so far are (1) getting up at 4am, (2) Sleeping off by 10pm, (3) Losing bad fat (100% yogi votes, :)) (4) Eating healthy (5) Facilitate accessability of Kundalini awakening and sustenance, ie Sahaja Yoga. (5) Making contact with possible community rooms available in A2.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Welcome Wagon
living an honest attempt to be a sahaja yogi can be more interesting than a blockbuster. its a musical, an adventure, a mystery and finally fulfillment. why not blog it in witness? wishing vic the best of luck with this little endeavor. hope he does this right.

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