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A falls guru.
This blog contains personal reflections on Sahaja Life by practitioners of the Sahaja technique. Sahaja is the path of enlightened knowledge, as opposed to other forms of yoga and meditation, which profess singular paths like devotion-only (bhakti path). Growth in Sahja happens by experiential knowldge acquisition.
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A falls guru.
Thier backs are turned
To the thousand suns
That long ago
brought an to the American night
So go forth fearlessly,
Whether you see or not, That being who's a thousand suns
For those mistaking their darkness for night, let your Mayas be undone
Physical presence is merely a maya
Its naïve to not realize
Whether She makes it there or not
We must keep our end of the deal
Commanded are we in easy words,
Plain and simple as day
Still we doubt,
holding our own at bay
Maybe he existed merely to be a scribe
the true master socrates' back and side
Documenting dialogs, learning much
But realization seems beyond his touch
God, he percieves as a craftsman,
Thankfully, benovelent.
Gets it right when he sees the worldly forms
Are reflections made from the Divine forms
Never plunging into the abyss of bliss
Held back by railings of reason.
He sees the brilliant knowledge sun
But sees it as spun from reason
His mind in the stars
His eyes at the moon
Self realization waited
Then it was to soon
He lay in his bed,
Llooking with the mind's eye
Juggling realities unknown
That belong beyond the sky
Thinking of deep space
Of the human race
How small are we
In a cosmic pond, an invisible trace
He quoted his friend in Indiana, Glenn's idea of religion, which he heard at a church meeting. "When I do good, I feel good, when I do bad I feel bad, and that's my religion."