Monday, April 24, 2006

St. George's Day

It is St. George's day in England. Shri Mataji and Sir CP spent an evening on this day with the English yogis and the atmosphere was quite charged.

St. George's day also happens to be the birth and death anniversary of the Bard. Shakespeare was born this day and Shri Mataji was presented a book of his complete works this evening.

Shri Mataji, your smile blossoms our hearts. Please continue to smile on...

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Shri Mataji Arrives in UK

With great pleasure, the Sahaja Yoga community of UK welcomed the advent of H. H. Shri Mataji in London, in preparation for Sahasrara Day Celebrations. Shri Mataji's smiling countenance puts our hearts and minds to peace as we join hands to welcome Her presence in the heart of the Virata.

Children and adults alike gathered in a nearby townhall to welcome Shri Mataji and Sir CP.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mother Earth: Getting Connected

this is an audio post - click to play

The beautiful connection granted by our Kundalini mother with the great Mother Earth. The way it works out in meditation for us Sahaja Yogis. Listen on!

Havans & Their Essence

this is an audio post - click to play

Description: Havan is an ancient technique which allows for the cleansing of the left channel. Its essence lies in the mechanism of the Mothering Kundlini energy working out the blockages in an enlightened soul's chakras.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Oracle Employees Meditate in Hyderabad

originally uploaded by ruthvickd.

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